Hello fellow users,
i am a new ns user willing to use diffserv technique to schedule packets. i 
have on my system ns2.30 installed through cygwin. i tried to edit the dsred.cc 
so as to schedule based on the specified bandwidth using WRR scheme. in dsred.h 
and dsred.cc, there is a link to a class LinkDelay to get to its bandwidth_ 
variable as

LinkDelay *link_;
Each time it gets to the statement :
if link_()
bww=link_->bandwidth();   // bww is my own variable
it complained that " class dsred/edge does not have variable bandwidth_
Floating point exception (core dumped)"

i have read the FAQ and comments on segmentation fault.
pls what other things do i need to do to be able to retrieve the bandwidth 
specified in the tcl program of ds-cbr-tb-WRR.tcl in \tcl\ex\diffserv folder.

Any assistance i receive will be appreciated.
my mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks in advance

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