

My name is Ondrej Beres and I study on Faculty of informatics and information 
technologies on Slovak University of Technology.

I write thesis, in which I describe TCP protocol in wireless systems. I must to 
do experiments like are in paper SaTPEP: a 
<http://www.netmode.ntua.gr/%7Edbelen/SaTPEP/satpep_netw02.ps>  TCP Performance 
Enhancing Proxy for Satellite Links.

I have a problem with simulation. When I want depict goodput achieved by SaTPEP 
andf for diļ¬€erent Packet loss values, I must change parameter <loss> in:

ns satpep.tcl <connections> <bandwidth> <loss> <file>


In what format should I enter the parameter loss?


Becase I tried use for example 1E-02, 0.01, ... and the output of simulation 
(file all.tr) was totally the same, like when I used 0.


Thank you for your advices.



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