Hi all, 
how to use the specific hierarchical address format.
from the manual it has this syntax:$ns set-address-format hierarchical <#n 
hierarchy levels> <#bits for level1> <#bits for level 2> ....<#bits for nth 
so i followed that and i wrote in my tcl script:$ns_ set-address-format 
hierarchical 4 8 8 8 8 
and when i created the nodes i have
set temp { }                     for {set i 0} {$i < 
$val(nn) } {incr i} {               set node_($i) [$ns_ node [lindex $temp $i] 
]                    $node_($i) random-motion 0                      }
however, the messages now are dropped once they reached the destination. here 
is a part from the tracing file:
r 4.613981632 _2_ RTR  --- 4 SIP_200 270 [13a 2 1 800] ------- [ 30] D 4.613981632 _2_ RTR NRTE 4 SIP_200 270 [13a 2 1 800] 
------- [ 29] 

also when i do "cout" to print the node address as following iph->daddr() = 
where node_ is of nsaddr_t; i get 512 or 256 instead of of 0.0.01 for example.
also i noticed that RTR is forwarding the messages instead of sending them 
.what should i do to fix this problem? do I need to change any thing in the 
routing protocol? 

 basically what i am trying to achieve is given each node an ipv4-like address 
format. i dont need the ipv4 features i just need that the ip address of each 
node to look like ipv4 ; i.e.
i am using ns2.27 on Ubuntu-10.10. and i am working on the SIP module by  Rui 
Prior and i am kaming it working in ad hoc using AODV routing protocol

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