Hi, all.

I applied mobiwan extension into ns2. Well, after the patch, I got the error
when I perform some test files located ns/tcl/test directory. The error
message is as follows:

imtl-x61:~/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/test$ ./test-all-simple
Tests: tahoe1 tahoe1Bytes tahoe1RED tahoe1REDbytes tahoe2 tahoe3 tahoe3RED
tahoe4 no_bug bug reno1 reno renoA reno2 reno3 reno4 reno4a reno5
reno5_nobug telnet delayed phase phase1 phase2 timers manyflows stats
statsECN stats1 stats1Bytes stats1a stats1aBytes statsHeaders stats2 stats3
stats4 statsTFRC
Running test tahoe1:
../../ns test-suite-simple.tcl tahoe1
Guide: Tahoe TCP with multiple packets dropped from a window of data.
can't read "EnableHierRt_": no such variable
    (Object set line 1)
    invoked from within
"Simulator set EnableHierRt_"
    (procedure "_o12" line 10)
    (Node attach line 10)
    invoked from within
"$node attach $agent"
    (procedure "_o4" line 2)
    (Simulator attach-agent line 2)
    invoked from within
"$self attach-agent $source $s_agent"
    (procedure "_o4" line 6)
    (Simulator create-connection line 6)
    invoked from within
"$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0"
    (procedure "_o3" line 7)
    (Test/tahoe1 run line 7)
    invoked from within
"$t run"
    (procedure "TestSuite" line 41)
    (TestSuite runTest line 41)
    invoked from within
"TestSuite runTest"
    (file "test-suite-simple.tcl" line 1824)
Test output differs from reference output
Diagnose with: diff test-output-simple/tahoe1.test test-output-simple/tahoe1
Or see URL "http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-problems.html";.

Anyone knows about these errors? Thanks in advance.

Internet Management Technology Lab, Sungkyunkwan University.
Jong-Hyouk Lee.

#email: jonghyouk (at) gmail (dot) com
#webpage: http://cv.hurryon.org

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