From: Dinh, Tuan (ICT Centre, Marsfield)
Sent: Thursday, 17 December 2009 11:16 AM
To: 'ns-users@isi.edu'
Subject: VoIP over IEEE 802.11 simulation scenarios

Dear ns-users,

What I about to enquire maybe the old concept but I have tried to search around 
but couldnt find the answer.

The question is how to simulate the VoIP traffic in the WLAN infrastructure 
mode in term of scenario? ( For example, I want to have 4 mobile nodes 
(clients) to send VoIP traffic (UDP packets 60 bytes/ 20ms) to the other and 
all the traffic must be reach the AP first, AP acts like the bridge). ( node 0 
is AP, node 1 sends udp packets to node 2 and vice versa, node 3 sends udp 
packets to node 4 and vice versa - basically there are 2 calls going on)

Initially, I made use the code in ns example folder 
(~ns-2.34/tcl/ex/802.11/infra.tcl). The routing protocol used is DumbAgent.

Later on, one of my colleague suggested that the nodes will connect direct to 
the other and not through AP if I use this scenario, and she suggested another 
scenario that all the sinks [Agent/Null] should be placed at the AP (node_0) 
and all the traffic send direct to them. It appears to me that scenario worries 
only the uplink but not downlink.

Please let me know your thoughts

Best regards,


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