Hi, Good Afternoon!

In the archive It traces/cmu-trace.cc I had the following code:

int pkt_color = 0;
      if (ch->ptype()==PT_RTALGO) {
          hdr_crtalgo *dfh= HDR_CRTALGO(p);
          if (dfh->mess_type == DATA) {
              pkt_color = 1;

If mess_type will be DATE, the color will be 1, if nao will be 0.

I acrecentei in the menssagem DATE priorities to have different colors.

int pkt_color = 0;
      if (ch->ptype()==PT_RTALGO) {
          hdr_crtalgo *dfh= HDR_CRTALGO(p);
          if (dfh->mess_type == DATA) {
                  if (dfh->typepacket ==1)
                    pkt_color = 1;

                if (dfh->typepacket ==2)
                    pkt_color = 2;

                   if (dfh->typepacket ==3)
                    pkt_color = 3;


But the color only modified the color of the package of circulates it
of the transmission ray remained in the original color.

As I make to modify the color of I circulate it of the ray of
transmission of the NAM.

Thank you.

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