I'm trying to simulate handover between umts and wimax through sctp
multihoming propriety.
I had to set a multifaced node to allow switching between  UMTS base station
and WIMAX base station.
Unfortunately I got segment fault error while runnig the simulation.
It seems that the UMTS node_face is not proply attached to the sctp agent.

 I think It's due to   to $MN add_multiface-node $MN_if0 because when the
$MN_if0 is attached directly to the SCTP-agent It runs correctly.
Please can any one help me by telling me how to connect properly an iface of
a mobile node to an sctp agent.
thanks ,

below you can fing my tcl code:
global ns
Trace set show_sctphdr_ 1

set ns [new Simulator]

set f [open out.tr w]
$ns trace-all $f
set namtrace [open out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $namtrace

proc finish {} {
    global ns  namtrace
    global f
    $ns flush-trace
    close $f
   # exec nam out.nam &
    #exec ./datarate out.tr datarate.res [expr $nb_mn+4] [expr $nb_mn+5]
    puts " Simulation ended."
    exit 0

$ns set debug_ 1

$ns set hsdschEnabled_ 1addr
$ns set hsdsch_rlc_set_ 1
$ns set hsdsch_rlc_nif_ 1
#$ns set dchEnabled_ 1addr
#$ns set dch_rlc_set_ 0
#$ns set dch_rlc_nif_ 0

# set up for hierarchical routing
# (needed for routing over a basestation)

$ns node-config -addressType hierarchical
AddrParams set domain_num_   6       ;# domain number
AddrParams set cluster_num_ {1 1 1 1 1 1}       ;# cluster number for each
AddrParams set nodes_num_  {3 1 1 1 1 2}    ;# number of nodes for each

$ns node-config -UmtsNodeType rnc  \
        -wiredRouting ON \
                 -agentTrace ON \
                 -routerTrace ON \
                 -macTrace ON  \
                 -movementTrace OFF

set rnc [$ns create-Umtsnode 0.0.0]
puts "rnc $rnc"

$ns node-config -UmtsNodeType bs\
        -downlinkBW 384kbs \
        -downlinkTTI 10ms \
        -uplinkBW 384kbs \
        -uplinkTTI 10ms \
             -hs_downlinkTTI 2ms \
              -hs_downlinkBW 384kbs\
                 -agentTrace ON \
                 -routerTrace ON \
                 -macTrace ON  \
                 -movementTrace OFF

set bs [$ns create-Umtsnode O.O.1]
puts "bs $bs"

$ns node-config -UmtsNodeType ue \
        -baseStation $bs \
        -radioNetworkController $rnc
set  MN_if0 [$ns create-Umtsnode 0.0.2]
puts "MN_if0 $MN_if0"
 $MN_if0 set X_ 320.0
 $MN_if0 set Y_ 30.0
 $MN_if0 set Z_ 0.0

# Node address for sgsn0 and ggsn0 is 4 and 5, respectively.
set sgsn0 [$ns node 1.0.0]
puts "sgsn0 $sgsn0"

set sgsn0_if0 [$ns node 2.0.0]
puts "sgsn0_if0 $sgsn0_if0"
set sgsn0_if1 [$ns node 3.0.0]
puts "sgsn0_if1 $sgsn0_if1"

$ns multihome-add-interface $sgsn0  $sgsn0_if0
$ns multihome-add-interface $sgsn0 $sgsn0_if1
$ns duplex-link $rnc $sgsn0_if0 622Mbit 100ms DropTail 1000
$rnc add-gateway $sgsn0_if0
$ns setup-Iub $bs $rnc 622Mbit 622Mbit 150ms 150ms DummyDropTail 2000
$ns node-config  -multiIf ON                            ;#to create
set MN [$ns node 4.0.0]
$ns node-config  -multiIf OFF                           ;#reset attribute
puts "MN created $MN"


#define debug values
Mac/802_16 set debug_ 1
Mac/802_16 set rtg_ 20
Mac/802_16 set ttg_ 20
Mac/802_16 set frame_duration_ 0.008
Phy/WirelessPhy/OFDM set g_ 0.25

#define coverage area for base station: 20m coverage
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.025
#Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 2412e+6
#Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 2.90781e-09
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 2.025e-12 ;#500m radius
Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ [expr 0.9*[Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_]]

# Parameter for wireless nodes
set opt(chan)           Channel/WirelessChannel    ;# channel type
set opt(prop)           Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation
set opt(netif)          Phy/WirelessPhy/OFDM       ;# network interface type
set opt(mac)            Mac/802_16                 ;# MAC type
set opt(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue    ;# interface queue type
set opt(ll)             LL                         ;# link layer type
set opt(ant)            Antenna/OmniAntenna        ;# antenna model
set opt(ifqlen)         50                     ;# max packet in ifq
set opt(adhocRouting)  DSDV                    ;# routing protocol

set opt(x)        1100               ;# X dimension of the topography
set opt(y)        1100               ;# Y dimension of the topography

#Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 11Mb
#Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb
#Mac/802_11 set bandwidth_ 11Mb

#create the topography
set topo [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y)
#puts "Topology created"

# Create God
create-god 9                ;# nb_mn + 2 (base station and sink node)
#puts "God node created"

#creates the Access Point (Base station)
$ns node-config -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \
                 -llType $opt(ll) \
                 -macType $opt(mac) \
                 -ifqType $opt(ifq) \
                 -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \
                 -antType $opt(ant) \
                 -propType $opt(prop)    \
                 -phyType $opt(netif) \
                 -channel [new $opt(chan)] \
                 -topoInstance $topo \
                 -wiredRouting ON \
                 -agentTrace ON \
                 -routerTrace ON \
                 -macTrace ON  \
                 -movementTrace ON
#puts "Configuration of base station"

set bstation [$ns node 5.0.0 ]
$bstation random-motion 0
puts "Base-Station(wimax) $bstation"
#provide some co-ord (fixed) to base station node
$bstation set X_ 550.0
$bstation set Y_ 550.0
$bstation set Z_ 0.0

set clas [new SDUClassifier/Dest]
[$bstation set mac_(0)] add-classifier $clas
#set the scheduler for the node. Must be changed to -shed [new $opt(sched)]
set bs_sched [new WimaxScheduler/BS]
[$bstation set mac_(0)] set-scheduler $bs_sched
[$bstation set mac_(0)] set-channel 1

$ns node-config -wiredRouting OFF \
                -macTrace ON

set MN_if1 [$ns node 5.0.1]
    $MN_if1 random-motion 0            ;# disable random motion
    $MN_if1 base-station [AddrParams addr2id [$bstation node-addr]] ;#attach
mn to basestation
    #compute position of the node
        $MN_if1 set X_ 340.0
        #$ns at 4.0 "$MN_if1 set X_ 80"
        #$ns at 6.0 "$MN_if1 set X_ 50"
    $MN_if1 set Y_ 550.0
    $MN_if1 set Z_ 0.0

    puts "MN_if1 $MN_if1"
       $ns at 0 "$MN_if1 setdest 960.0 550.0 1.0";# debug info#

    set clas [new SDUClassifier/Dest]
       [$MN_if1 set mac_(0)] add-classifier $clas
        #set the scheduler for the node. Must be changed to -shed [new
      set ss_sched [new WimaxScheduler/SS]
     [$MN_if1 set mac_(0)] set-scheduler $ss_sched
     [$MN_if1 set mac_(0)] set-channel 1

$MN add-interface-node $MN_if0
$MN add-interface-node $MN_if1

$ns duplex-link $bstation $sgsn0_if1 100MBit 15ms DropTail 1000


        #create source traffic

set sctp0 [new Agent/SCTP]
$ns multihome-attach-agent $sgsn0 $sctp0
$sctp0 set fid_ 0
$sctp0 set debugMask_ -1
$sctp0 set debugFileIndex_ 0
$sctp0 set mtu_ 1500
$sctp0 set dataChunkSize_ 512
$sctp0 set numOutStreams_ 1
$sctp0 set oneHeartbeatTimer_ 0   # turns off heartbeating

set trace_ch [open trace.sctp w]
$sctp0 set trace_all_ 1           # trace them all on oneline
#$sctp0 trace cwnd_
#$sctp0 trace rto_
#$sctp0 trace errorCount_
$sctp0 attach $trace_ch

set sctp1 [new Agent/SCTP]
$MN attach-agent $sctp1 $MN_if0
$sctp1 set debugMask_ -1
$sctp1 set debugFileIndex_ 1
$sctp1 set mtu_ 1500
$sctp1 set initialRwnd_ 131072
$sctp1 set useDelayedSacks_ 0

#$ns connect $sctp1 $sctp0
#Multiface node is receiver

#$MN connect-agent $sctp1 $sctp0   $MN_if0  ;# new command: specify the
interface to use
#$ns connect $sctp0 $sctp1

set ftp0 [new Application/FTP ]
$ftp0 attach-agent $sctp0
set ftp1 [new Application/FTP ]
$ftp1 attach-agent $sctp1

$MN connect-agent $sctp1 $sctp0   $MN_if0
$sctp1 listen

$ns node-config -llType UMTS/RLC/AM \
        -downlinkBW 384kbs \
        -uplinkBW 384kbs \
        -downlinkTTI 20ms \
        -uplinkTTI 20ms \
           -hs_downlinkTTI 2ms \
            -hs_downlinkBW 384kbs

$ns create-hsdsch $MN_if0  $sctp1

$bs trace-outlink $f 2
$MN_if0 trace-inlink $f 2
$MN_if0 trace-outlink $f 3
# we cannot start the connect right away. Give time to routing algorithm to
$ns color 0 Red
$ns color 1 Blue
$ns at 0.0 "$sctp0 force-source  $sgsn0_if0"
$ns at 0.5 "$ftp0 start"
$ns at 10 "$ftp0 stop"

$ns at 15 "finish"

puts " Simulation is running ... please wait ..."
$ns run


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