  I was successful in installation of ns-2.26 on linux red had9.0, but when i 
validate some messages errors appear:
These messages are NOT errors and can be ignored:
warning: using backward compatibility mode
this test is not implemented in backward compatibility mode 
validate overall report: some tests failed:
to re-run a specific test, cd tcl/test; ../../ns test-all-TEST-NAME
Notice that some tests in webcache will fail on freebsd when -O is turned on.
This is due to some event reordering, which will disappear when -g is turned 
  please give me the solution to this problem, i also attached the all errors 
message file with this émail., you can see it.

 Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs 
exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.Téléchargez la version 
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test dsdv-wireless-mip:
../../ns test-suite-wireless-lan-newnode.tcl dsdv-wireless-mip QUIET
num_nodes is set 3
Loading connection pattern...
Starting Simulation...
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-satellite
Tests: repeater mixed wired aloha aloha.collisions mixed.legacy
Running test repeater:
../../ns test-suite-satellite.tcl repeater QUIET
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test mixed:
../../ns test-suite-satellite.tcl mixed QUIET
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test wired:
../../ns test-suite-satellite.tcl wired QUIET
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test aloha:
../../ns test-suite-satellite.tcl aloha QUIET
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test aloha.collisions:
../../ns test-suite-satellite.tcl aloha.collisions QUIET
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test mixed.legacy:
../../ns test-suite-satellite.tcl mixed.legacy QUIET
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-WLtutorial
Tests: wireless1 wireless2 wireless3
Running test wireless1:
../../ns test-suite-WLtutorial.tcl wireless1 QUIET
num_nodes is set 3
Loading connection pattern...
Loading scenario file...
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test wireless2:
../../ns test-suite-WLtutorial.tcl wireless2 QUIET
num_nodes is set 4
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test wireless3:
../../ns test-suite-WLtutorial.tcl wireless3 QUIET
num_nodes is set 3
Starting Simulation...
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
warning: Route to base_stn not known: dropping pkt
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-energy
Tests: dsdv dsr aodv
Running test dsdv:
../../ns test-suite-energy.tcl dsdv QUIET
num_nodes is set 5
Loading connection pattern...
Loading scenario file...
Load complete...
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test dsr:
../../ns test-suite-energy.tcl dsr QUIET
num_nodes is set 5
Loading connection pattern...
Loading scenario file...
Load complete...
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test aodv:
../../ns test-suite-energy.tcl aodv QUIET
num_nodes is set 5
Loading connection pattern...
Loading scenario file...
Load complete...
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-v1
Tests: tahoe1 tahoe2 tahoe3 tahoe4 no_bug bug reno1 reno renoA reno2 reno3 
reno4 reno4a reno5 telnet delayed phase phase1 phase2 timers stats
Running test tahoe1:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl tahoe1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test tahoe2:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl tahoe2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test tahoe3:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl tahoe3 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test tahoe4:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl tahoe4 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test no_bug:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl no_bug QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test bug:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl bug QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno1:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test renoA:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl renoA QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno2:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno3:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno3 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno4:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno4 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno4a:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno4a QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test reno5:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl reno5 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test telnet:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl telnet QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test delayed:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl delayed QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test phase:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl phase QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test phase1:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl phase1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test phase2:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl phase2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test timers:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl timers QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test stats:
../../ns test-suite-v1a.tcl stats QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
stop-time 10.1
tcp 0 total_packets_acked 335
tcp 1 total_packets_acked 87
class: 0 per-link total_drops 13
class: 0 per-link total_packets 359
class: 0 per-link total_bytes 359000
class: 1 per-link total_drops 6
class: 1 per-link total_packets 103
class: 1 per-link total_bytes 103000
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-red-v1
Tests: red1 red1_bytes ecn red2 red_twoway red_twowaybytes flows flows1 flowsAll
Running test red1:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl red1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test red1_bytes:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl red1_bytes QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test ecn:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl ecn QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test red2:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl red2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test red_twoway:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl red_twoway QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test red_twowaybytes:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl red_twowaybytes QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test flows:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl flows QUIET
WARNING:  This test was not run.
This test is not implemented in backward compatibility mode.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test flows1:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl flows1 QUIET
WARNING:  This test was not run.
This test is not implemented in backward compatibility mode.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test flowsAll:
../../ns test-suite-red-v1a.tcl flowsAll QUIET
WARNING:  This test was not run.
This test is not implemented in backward compatibility mode.
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-cbq-v1
Tests: cbqWRR cbqPRR cbqAO cbqTL cbqFor cbqForOld cbqMax1 cbqMax2 cbqExtra1 
cbqExtra2 cbqMin1 cbqMin3 cbqMin4 cbqMin6 cbqTwoAO cbqTwoAO2 cbqTwoAO3 cbqTwoTL 
Running test cbqWRR:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqWRR QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqPRR:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqPRR QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqAO:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqAO QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqTL:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqTL QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqFor:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqFor QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqForOld:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqForOld QUIET
WARNING:  This test was not run.
This functionality is not implemented in ns-2.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqMax1:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqMax1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqMax2:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqMax2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqExtra1:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqExtra1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqExtra2:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqExtra2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqMin1:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqMin1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqMin3:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqMin3 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqMin4:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqMin4 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqMin6:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqMin6 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqTwoAO:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqTwoAO QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqTwoAO2:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqTwoAO2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqTwoAO3:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqTwoAO3 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqTwoTL:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqTwoTL QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test cbqTwoF:
../../ns test-suite-cbq-v1a.tcl cbqTwoF QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-sack-v1
Tests: sack1 sack1a sack1b sack1c sack3 sack4 sack5 sackB2 sackB4 phaseSack 
phaseSack2 phaseSack3
Running test sack1:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack1 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sack1a:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack1a QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sack1b:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack1b QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sack1c:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack1c QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sack3:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack3 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sack4:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack4 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sack5:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sack5 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sackB2:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sackB2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test sackB4:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl sackB4 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test phaseSack:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl phaseSack QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test phaseSack2:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl phaseSack2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test phaseSack3:
../../ns test-suite-sack-v1a.tcl phaseSack3 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-vegas-v1
Tests: one_drop one_14 two_2 two_A two_B
Running test one_drop:
../../ns test-suite-vegas-v1.tcl one_drop QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Calling xgraph.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test one_14:
../../ns test-suite-vegas-v1.tcl one_14 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Calling xgraph.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test two_2:
../../ns test-suite-vegas-v1.tcl two_2 QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Calling xgraph.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test two_A:
../../ns test-suite-vegas-v1.tcl two_A QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Calling xgraph.
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test two_B:
../../ns test-suite-vegas-v1.tcl two_B QUIET
warning: using backward compatibility mode
Calling xgraph.
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-source-routing
Tests: source_rtg
Running test source_rtg:
../../ns test-suite-source-routing.tcl source_rtg QUIET
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-snoop
Tests: simple
Running test simple:
../../ns test-suite-snoop.tcl simple QUIET
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-diffusion3
Tests: simple-ping
Running test simple-ping:
../../ns test-suite-diffusion3.tcl simple-ping QUIET
num_nodes is set 3
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-misc
Tests: stats64
Running test stats64:
../../ns test-suite-misc.tcl stats64 QUIET
This test is checking for problems with int64 counters.
Byte departures in different data formats:
Qmon set bdepartures_, or bdep: 2982684040
ns-add64 bdep 0:                2982684040
ns-int64todbl bdep:             2982684040.0
ns-int64todbl bdep + 0:         2982684040.0
These will give the wrong answer:
bdep + 0:                       -1312283256
bdep * 1:                       -1312283256
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-tagged-trace
Tests: simple wireless Format-simple
Running test simple:
../../ns test-suite-tagged-trace.tcl simple QUIET
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test wireless:
../../ns test-suite-tagged-trace.tcl wireless QUIET
num_nodes is set 4
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
Running test Format-simple:
../../ns test-suite-tagged-trace.tcl Format-simple QUIET
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
*** ./test-all-wireless-lan-gaf
Tests: gaf
Running test gaf:
../../ns test-suite-wireless-lan-gaf.tcl gaf QUIET
num_nodes is set 60
Grid info:1500 300 100 (15 3)
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
Loading connection pattern...
Loading scenario file...
Load complete...
Starting Simulation...
Test output agrees with reference output
All test output agrees with reference output.
These messages are NOT errors and can be ignored:
    warning: using backward compatibility mode
    This test is not implemented in backward compatibility mode
validate overall report: some tests failed:
to re-run a specific test, cd tcl/test; ../../ns test-all-TEST-NAME
Notice that some tests in webcache will fail on freebsd when -O is turned on.
This is due to some event reordering, which will disappear when -g is turned on.

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