I think add trace on in your simulator will do, but only part of information
you can get. So the direct way is to use debug tools in your simulation, eg.
gdb or ddd. Now you can trace everyting you like.

wang gang.

Message: 4
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 23:53:19 +0000
From: "Lars Lars" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ns] Monitoring PDU progress through layers
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

I'm simulating an 802.11 link and I want to monitor a packet as it passes
through each layer/sublayer. I want the tracefile to contain an entry for
the packet at each layer/sublayer. Is this possible? So far I have entries i
my tracefile for packet send by agent, and packet send by mac layer. How can
I get more info in the tracefile?

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