
I am a new user for NS,strived hardly so that I could just fix 
NS(ns-2.1b8-mcast) to run and now get stuck in running ADMR.I dont know how I 
should apply it in NS and which steps I gotta do to run.
i just test these 3 commands from 
./ns scripts/mcast_cbrgen.tcl -type cbr -nn 100 -seed 492832928 -rate 4 -ng 2 
-nspg 5 -nrpg 10 -leave_mg 1 -join_dur_r 1 > cbr_100_4x64_2x5x10_mcast_ns_rl

./ns scripts/run.tcl -x 1200 -y 800 -nn 100 -stop 900 -tr TRACES/out.tr -mg 
mcast_communication_scenarios/cbr_100_4x64_3x3x20_mcast_ns_rs -sc 
movement_scenarios/scen-1200x800-100-0-20-1 -rp admr > & TRACES/sim_stdoutput

scripts/mcast_totals.pl ADM 100 900 
mcast_communication_scenarios/cbr_100_4x64_3x3x20_mcast_ns_rs TRACES/out.tr > 
but when i write these 3 commands and check the file in result directory, all 
of the parameters in the simulation are 0.

It s really nice of you,help me to teach me how I can run ADMR,




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