Has anyone had success with using the Tray object on a WM5 device?  Is it even 

I would like to load an image in the tray so that when it's clicked on, it 
shows/maximizes the forms again (after using the little X to minimize).  MyApp 
is declared as a global and I know that the FindWindow works (have used it 
before).  The problem is the imageIndex = 0 after adding the image.  The image 
is at the location specified.

Thanks in advance!

In Form1_Load
AddObject "NSBasic.win32.Tray", "MyTray"
imageIndex = MyTray.AddImage("\FIDO_1.0\Forms.bmp")
MyTray.Image = imageIndex

Sub MyTray_Click
   Dim wnd

   If wnd > 0 Then      
      API.ShowWindow wnd,1
   End If   
End Sub

In Output_Close

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