On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> (Untested)
> \startpostponing[+1]
> \placefigure[top]{}{...}
> \stoppostponing
> Rest of the text
> Aditya
\input tufte \input ward \input zapf \input tufte \input ward \input
zapf \input tufte
On Thu, 5 Apr 2012, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
please have a look at thee example below:
I have a long paragraph (more than 3 pages), and I want to set a float/figure
at top of page 2.
Thus, I need to write \placefigure *in* my paragraph, between two words.
How can I do that without adding a
please have a look at thee example below:
I have a long paragraph (more than 3 pages), and I want to set a float/figure
at top of page 2.
Thus, I need to write \placefigure *in* my paragraph, between two words.
How can I do that without adding a paragraph break after the respective word