Dear gang,

In M$-Windows (and probably unix as well) Acrobat/Reader has the very  
irritating feature such that, if called from the command line, it forgets  
its last position and resizes itself to the default position, somewhere in  
the middle of the screen. This makes


useless if one wants (like me) to have Acrobat always open up in the same  
corner of my screen's real estate each time. WinEdt opens Acrobat properly  
but since I'm moving away from that (no unicode/bidi support) I tried  
automating things in batch files etc. After hours of struggle I finally  
learned that clicking on a shortcut to Acrobat/Reader works while running  
it from the command line will never work right...

...unless one activates the .LNK extension in the system control panel. See

Now --autopdf depends on pdfopen.exe, so I can't configure it apparently  
(tested pdfopen.exe directly). Can pdfopen.exe be recompiled so that it  
opens Adobe in the last-opened position like a lnk shortcut does?

For what it's worth something like

> "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Adobe Acrobat 7.0  
> Professional.lnk" foo.pdf

will work in a batch/make file in the meantime. But it would be nice if

texexec -autopdf

did the same thing.

Any thoughts?


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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