Am 02.03.2011 um 04:40 schrieb Tom: > The following code seems to ignore both justification (to the extent that a > mono-spaced font could be justified) and the right margin. I recall seeing > something that deals with this problem somewhere but can't recall where.
\setupbodyfont[mono] \setuptolerance[space] \showframe \starttext Janet had gone away to get the bath ready, when my aunt, to my great alarm, became in one moment rigid with indignation, and had hardly voice to cry out, {\quotation Janet! Donkeys!} Upon which, Janet came running up the stairs as if the house were in flames, darted out on a little piece of green in front, and warned off two saddle-donkeys, lady-ridden, that had presumed to set hoof upon it; while my aunt, rushing out of the house, seized the bridle of a third animal laden with a bestriding child, turned him, led him forth from those sacred precincts, and boxed the ears of the unlucky urchin in attendance who had dared to profane that hallowed ground. \stoptext Wolfgang ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist : / webpage : / archive : wiki : ___________________________________________________________________________________