Dear list user,

The Dutch TeX users group organizes a meeting on saturday 18 november.

Location: Highschool Helicon, Zeist, The Netherlands.

Theme: "The next generation TeX - a glance on the future"

At the this moment active development takes place for the successor of 
pdfTeX. During next year this engine will be dirstributed.
Next to this, steps are undertaken to improve the integration of the 
graphical possibilities of TeX.
A bunch of new fonts are in the pipeline which can replace existing 
(free) font-collections: extended, improved, OTF versions.
There are different initiatives for enhancing TeX and related programs 
e.g. giving them a more modern, up-to-date interface.
Further one can see, that TeX is moving form the front-end into the 
background, so that users do not even know that the final work is 
performed with TeX.

The mentioned aspects will be discussed and presented during the 
upcoming NTG-meeting.

The NTG would like to invite you to join us.

Global programme:
09 :30 arrival
10:00 opening, presentations/discussion
11:15 coffee break
11:45 presentations/discussion
12:45-13.30 lunch
13:30 presentations/discussion
15:00 Thea break
15:30 presentations/discussion
16:30 closing

17:30 Diner in one of the restaurants in Zeist

Issues to be presented:
luatex: development of the next generation pdfTeX
opentype: the first three delivered replacement fonts from the polish "foundry"
metapost: on its way to full integration into TeX
epspdfgui: Good-bye to obscure commandline programs
processing in the background ...: how Tex moves behind the scene
pgf:  replacement of macros containing graphics
TeXlive: the in's en out's of preparing a distribution

Description of the location and how to get there:

If you would like to join in, please send an e-mail to the NTG secretary: 

Kind regards

Willi Egger
Secretary NTG

ntg-context mailing list

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