Dear all,

I am experiencing problems with the bibliography. My bibliographystyle is apa 
like. In the minimal example given below the maybe year is not set up 
correctly. That is I would expect to have

(Firstauthor et al., 2012a,2011,2012b)

but I get

(Firstauthor et al., 2012,2011,2012). 

It took me some time to reproduce this error. My description of the error is 
probably quite difficult to follow. I hope the example is more intuitive:

The reason for this problem to occur is that the entries in the bbl file are 
probably processed according to the alphabetic order of the last name of the 
authors. If one refers to an author publishing several articles in a single 
year (in my example 2012) and there is an additional publication that is 
published in another year (in my example 2011), the ordering is essentially 
determined by the first letter of the last name of the second author (if it was 
a different second author, otherwise third author and so on). 

If the letter of the second author in the publication published in the year in 
which there was only a single publication (in my example 2011) happens to be 
inbetween the letter of the second author on the two publications published in 
the year in which there have been two publications (in my example the 
publications in 2012), the publication (in my example 2011) will appear 
inbetween those that appeared in the same year (in my example 2012). This 
results in the maybeyear to be screwed up.

The listing will be

Firstauthor et al., 2012

Firstauthor et al., 2011

Firstauthor et al. 2012

instead of

Firstauthor et al., 2012a

Firstauthor et al., 2011

Firstauthor et al., 2012b


2012.11.06 09:56 MKIV  fmt: 2012.11.7  int: english/english


%bibtex support

%%%%%%%%%%%% MINIMAL EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%%%%% 


%%%%%%%%%%%% MINIMAL EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%%%%% 

Attachment: references-example.bib
Description: references-example.bib

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