On 01/25/2014 01:20 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> you have to use the name of the font family (the name which is displayed
> in word processors when you choose a font). When you want to use the
> bold font for the upright style you can add “tf=style:bold” to the
> fourth argument of
Hi Pablo,
you have to use the name of the font family (the name which is displayed in
word processors when you choose a font). When you want to use the bold font for
the upright style you can add “tf=style:bold” to the fourth argument of
Dear list,
the following code doesn’t find the fallback font for Hebrew:
alphabeticpresentationforms}, force=yes]
\definefontfamily[mainface][serif][TeX Gyre Pagella]
But the s