The superscripted degree symbol in $10^\circ$ comes out slightly low. e.g. \starttext
\placeformula\startformula 10^\circ \quad 10\mathstrut^\circ \stopformula \placeformula\startformula x^7\quad x\mathstrut^7 \stopformula \stoptext I'm not quite sure what's right, but my eye says that the $10\mathstrut^\circ$ looks better. (And now I worry that all my superscripts are too low, but that could be my just being a worry wart.) Is the slightly lower superscript positioning a conscious choice with MkIV math? Or maybe there's a magic parameter to adjust it? I made some tests with other tex engines. In tex, pdftex, and latex, it comes out higher (as if \mathstrut were there). In pdflatex, it comes out slightly low. I noticed this isssue because my asymptote figures had the higher positioning, whereas the main context document had the lower positioning (and asymptote was using latex to generate the labels). -- -Sanjoy <> Save Long Wharf Park in Boston Harbor! <> Six reasoning tools to make hard problems easy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist : / webpage : / archive : wiki : ___________________________________________________________________________________