Tuesday, September 9, 2003 John Culleton wrote:

> On Tuesday 09 September 2003 05:55, Hans Hagen wrote:
>> At 11:22 09/09/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >  Anybody know about any editor with ConTeXt support ?...
>> >  For windows unfortunately...
>> >
>> >  TeXnicCenter looks good, but there is support only for LaTeX...
> Vim/Gvim has syntax highlighting for TeX/Latex. It is my understanding
> thast one can add to or modify the syntax files. I find the generic TeX
> highlighting sufficient for my needs.

> With some work one can put expanding and collapsing outlines in Vim as
> well.  

In fact I use gVim with all my ConTeXt files. I also put some
extra stuff (not much) specific for ConTeXt, and enabled
folding. I *even* tried to use the Perl integration to pop up
context-sensitive keyword help with TeXShow, but failed
miserably :\

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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