Yup. And guess what? It's all my fault.
I take full responsibility for not doing a bit
more stringent 'policing' of the OT threads.

So, now...

BEHAVE! Y'hear?   ;-)

Warm regards,

Stu Sjouwerman
Founder, VP Marketing.
P: +1-727-562-0101 ext 218
F: +1-727-562-5199

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:mailvor...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:09 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Good NT sysadmin list?

  Anyone here know of a good email list to discuss NT sysadmin issues?

  Seriously, folks, the signal-to-noise ratio on this list is going to
hell.  Today we had 15 messages on the definition of a word (here's a
tip: www.google.com), 37 on a cartoon, 8 on banjos, 5 on the security
of Mac's, 7 that were basically bitching about lack of recognition in
one's job, 4 asking if the list was up (email asking if email was
working?!?), and 1 get-well wish in a 3-day-old banned thread.  That's
77.  Oh, and about 20 that were actually something like on-topic.
That's a ratio of about 4:1, or 25%.

  Twenty five percent.  Ponder that a bit.  Would you work for 25% of
your pay?  Would you pass a student with a 25% grade average?

  I  think it's one thing to have the occasional off-topic message or
thread, or occasional joke.  This is something else entirely.  This is
the occasional on-topic message in a sea of crap.  I've seen Stu kill
more threads in the past 7 days than I've seen him do in the previous
year.  Is it too much to ask that people act like adults and exercise
a little self-discipline?

  Whatever happened to "on-topic and low noise"?

  I realize I've been a sometime contributor to some of this myself,
and from this point forward I'm going to strive not to be.  I ask that
you please all join me in that.

-- Ben

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