Referencing to imaging software (that was the case) I didn't find any FLOSS
product that doesn't require partial manual intervention (command line),with no
limits , offline and online ,HIR and possibility of scheduling. So jumping from
one product to another for getting images is not a wasted ti
Just for closing this stupid "on purpose " polemic:
All ITs MUST experiment, integrate and evaluate! But the reason of
looking for open source programs is generally another: free stuff !
But when I have to protect my customers I pay for them (and got paid)
,in my case, Shadow Protect Server,Desk
I assume that IT managing Roadrunner are not external consultants but
dedicated ones (I apologize not underlining that my point of view was
the one of an external one )
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Joseph L. Casale []
Inviato: sabato 1 magg
I didn't mean that I don't experiment ! I make trials on my labs not on
my customers
But when I have to take care of 20 or more critical servers I prefer a
fresh Image is ready and available in 2 or more places just in case (and
obviously tested, is what I do with ShadowProtect)
And a really engaged IT wouldn't waste time in experiments and trials . If I
have to image a server of a customer I feel more quiet using Storage craft or
other paid products requiring one shot only
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Matthew W. Ross [mailto:mr...@ephrataschool