In PR 12074 I propose adding a function `version.get_numpy_version_as_hex()` which returns a hex value to represent the current NumPy version MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO where

v = hex(MAJOR << 24 | MINOR << 16 | MICRO)

so the current 1.15.0 would become '0x10f0000'. I also made this avaiable via C through `get_hex_version`. The hex version is based on the |PY_VERSION_HEX| macro from CPython.

Currently we have a ABI version and an API version for the numpy C-API. We only increment those for updated or breaking changes in the NumPy C-API, but not for

- changes in behavior, especially in python code

- changes in sizes of outward-facing structures like PyArray_Desc

Occasionally it is desirable to determine backward compatibility from the runtime version, rather than from the ABI or API versions, and having it as a single value makes the comparison in C easy. For instance this may be convenient when there is suspicion that older header files may have been used to create or manipulate an object directly in C (or via a cython optimization), and we want to verify the version used to create the object, or when we may want to verify de-serialized objects. The `numpy.lib._version.NumpyVersion` class enables version comparison in python, but I would prefer a single value that can be stored in a C struct as an integer type.

Since this is an enhancement proposal, I am bringing the idea to the mailing list for reactions.

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