Re: [Numpy-discussion] proposal: smaller representation of string arrays

2017-04-25 Thread Phil Hodge
On 04/25/2017 01:34 PM, Anne Archibald wrote: I know they're not numpy-compatible, but FITS header values are space-padded; does that occur elsewhere? Strings in FITS headers are delimited by single quotes. Some keywords (only a handful) are required to have values that are blank-padded (in

Re: [Numpy-discussion] proposal: smaller representation of string arrays

2017-04-20 Thread Phil Hodge
On 04/20/2017 03:17 PM, Anne Archibald wrote: Actually if I understood the spec, FITS header lines are 80 bytes long and contain ASCII with no NULLs; strings are quoted and trailing spaces are stripped. FITS BINTABLE extensions can have columns containing strings, and in that case the value