Re: [Numpy-discussion] [REL] Matplotlib 3.0.0

2018-09-19 Thread Thomas Caswell
Folks, A small update, when I uploaded the wheels yesterday I only uploaded about half of them [1] and did not check my work carefully enough. This has been rectified, sorry to everyone who had installs fail his morning. Tom [1] I downoladed one of the wheels from twice

[Numpy-discussion] [REL] Matplotlib 3.0.0

2018-09-18 Thread Thomas Caswell
Folks, Happy to announce Matplotlib 3.0.0! This is the first version of Matplotlib to only support Python 3. If you need Python 2.7 support the 2.2.x LTS series will continue to receive critical bug-fixes until 2020. Highlights of this release include: - GUI backend is selected at run-time ba