Re: [Numpy-discussion] classmethods for ndarray

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Kern
Brian Blais wrote: > Would this break previously saved pickles, so you couldn't load them? I ran > into > that problem last year when there was a change to numpy. Is that something > that > would happen here? No. -- Robert Kern "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a h

Re: [Numpy-discussion] classmethods for ndarray

2007-02-02 Thread Matt Knox
> Would this break previously saved pickles, so you couldn't load them? I ran into > that problem last year when there was a change to numpy. Is that something that > would happen here? > > bb > Regardless of whether or not this change will "break pickles", it seems hi

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Requests for NumPy Ports?

2007-02-02 Thread Lisandro Dalcin
On 1/31/07, Travis Oliphant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > To me this is so obvious that I don't understand the resistance in the > Python community to the concept. Indeed Travis, I was not reading this for a some time ago. Can you point me your last proposal? I remember reading about extending the

Re: [Numpy-discussion] classmethods for ndarray

2007-02-02 Thread Stefan van der Walt
On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 05:51:22PM -0700, Travis Oliphant wrote: > Christopher Barker wrote: > > >Travis Oliphant wrote: > > > > > >>I'm thinking that we should have several. For example all the fromXXX > >>functions should probably be classmethods > >> > >>ndarray.frombuffer > >>ndarray.fromf

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Native byteorder representation

2007-02-02 Thread Francesc Altet
El dv 02 de 02 del 2007 a les 19:11 +0100, en/na Francesc Altet va escriure: > El dv 02 de 02 del 2007 a les 10:22 -0700, en/na Travis Oliphant va > escriure: > > Francesc Altet wrote: > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >We have been bitten by a small glitch related with the representation of > > >native byt

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Native byteorder representation

2007-02-02 Thread Francesc Altet
El dv 02 de 02 del 2007 a les 10:22 -0700, en/na Travis Oliphant va escriure: > Francesc Altet wrote: > > >Hi, > > > >We have been bitten by a small glitch related with the representation of > >native byteorders. Here is an example exposing the problem: > > > > > > > numpy.dtype('

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Native byteorder representation

2007-02-02 Thread Travis Oliphant
Francesc Altet wrote: >Hi, > >We have been bitten by a small glitch related with the representation of >native byteorders. Here is an example exposing the problem: > > > numpy.dtype('>>> >'=' > > numpy.dtype('>i4').newbyteorder('little').byteorder >'<' >

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Complex arange

2007-02-02 Thread Sturla Molden
I think arange for complex numbers should work like meshgrid, with the real and imaginary axis replacing the x and y axis. That would mean something like this: def complex_arange(start,end,stride): def iscomplex(x): if ((type(x)==complex) or (type(x)==complex64) or (type(x)==co

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Different results from repeated calculation

2007-02-02 Thread Keith Goodman
On 2/2/07, Bruce Southey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I am curious why I do not see any mention of the compilers and > versions that were used in this thread. Having just finally managed to > get SciPY installed from scratch (but not with atlas), I could see > that using different compliers or ver

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Different results from repeated calculation

2007-02-02 Thread Bruce Southey
Hi, I am curious why I do not see any mention of the compilers and versions that were used in this thread. Having just finally managed to get SciPY installed from scratch (but not with atlas), I could see that using different compliers or versions or options especially compiling done at different

[Numpy-discussion] Native byteorder representation

2007-02-02 Thread Francesc Altet
Hi, We have been bitten by a small glitch related with the representation of native byteorders. Here is an example exposing the problem: >>> numpy.dtype('i4').newbyteorder('little').byteorder '<' [the example was run on a little endian machine] We thought that native byteorder were represented

Re: [Numpy-discussion] classmethods for ndarray

2007-02-02 Thread Brian Blais
Travis Oliphant wrote: > Sebastian Haase wrote: > >> Travis, >> Could you explain what a possible downside of this would be !? > > I can't think of any downsides. I have to understand how class-methods > are actually implemented, though before I could comment on speed > implications of class m

Re: [Numpy-discussion] large memory address space on Mac OS X (intel)

2007-02-02 Thread David Douard
On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 01:33:23PM -0600, Louis Wicker wrote: > Dear list: Hi, may I suggest you to read this? It worth a read. David > > I cannot seem to figure how to create arrays > 2 GB on a Mac Pro > (using Intel chip and Tiger, 4.

Re: [Numpy-discussion] classmethods for ndarray

2007-02-02 Thread Fernando Perez
On 2/1/07, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Christopher Barker wrote: > > Sebastian Haase wrote: > > > >> Could you explain what a possible downside of this would be !? > >> It seems that if you don't need to refer to a specific "self" object > >> that a class-method is what it should - is