Jaime Fernández del Río gmail.com> writes:
> np.einsum makes a lot of these easier to figure out:
> In [7]: np.einsum('ijk, kl', A, T)
> Out[7]:
> array([[[ 7, 10],
> [15, 22]],
> [[23, 34],
> [31, 46]],
> [[39, 58],
> [47, 70]]])
Thanks, I will h
Jorge Scandaliaris yahoo.es> writes:
> I have an ndarray A of shape (M,2,2) representing M 2 x 2 matrices.
> Now I want to apply a transform T of shape (2,2) to each of matrix.
> The way I do this now is by iterating over all rows of A
> multiplying the mat
First of all excuse me if this is a trivial question. I have the feeling it is,
but searching and looking through the docs has proven unsuccesful so far.
I have an ndarray A of shape (M,2,2) representing M 2 x 2 matrices. Now I want
to apply a transform T of shape (2,2) to each of matrix. The
gmail.com> writes:
> If I remember correctly it was unique1d in numpy 1.3 that had the
> return_inverse options.
> Check the functions in arraysetops for numpy 1.3.
> unique1d is in my help file for numpy 1.2 (which was the fastest for
> me to look up)
You're right, again.
unique1d is in
gmail.com> writes:
> If I understand correctly, then you want return_inverse (the original
> array recoded to using integers 0...len(ctab)-1
> Josef
Right, thanks! I didn't see this cause I use numpy 1.3, where this is
not available.
I have a 1D array containing indexes to specific measurements. As this array is
a slice of a bigger one, the indexes don't necessarily start at 0 nor they are
sequential. For example, I can have an array A where
In [34]: A.shape
Out[34]: (4764,)
In [35]: ctab = np.unique(A)
In [36]: ctab
First, excuse me if I am over-optimizing, but I am curious if there exist a way
to apply a function to an ndarray over a given dimension. In case I don't make
myself clear, I have an array of shape( n,2,2) where each row represents a 2 by
2 covariance matrix, and I want to perform the eigenvalu
Thanks David, Robert and Francesc for comments and suggestions. It's nice having
options, but that also means one has to choose ;)
I will have a closer look at pytables. The thing that got me "scared" about it
was the word database. I have close to zero experience using or, even worst,
designing da
David Warde-Farley cs.toronto.edu> writes:
> If you actually want to save multiple arrays, you can use
> savez('fname', *[a,b,c]) and they will be accessible under the names
> arr_0, arr_1, etc. and a list of these names is in the 'files'
> attribute on the NpzFile object. To retrieve your l
Pauli Virtanen iki.fi> writes:
> > img = array(img)[::-1]
> Note that here a copy is made. You can use `asarray` instead of `array`
> if you want to avoid making a copy.
Thanks, that's good info!
> > and it worked!, but I am interested actually in sub-regions of this
> > image, so the n
Emmanuelle Gouillart normalesup.org> writes:
> Hi Jorge,
> > roi = aimg[10:20,45:50,:]
> are you working with 3-D images? I didn't know PIL was able to handle 3D
> images.
Well, if by 3D you mean color images then yes, PIL is able to handle them
> I wasn't able to reproduce the beha
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