On 12/9/2016 11:14 AM, Mike wrote:
> On 12/8/2016 10:37 PM, Charles Lepple wrote:
>> On Dec 8, 2016, at 1:34 PM, Mike wrote:
>>> I didn't want to sign up for the nut-devs list or create a git account
>>> just to provide this information, so I hope posting this info here is OK...
>> Not a problem. (Both lists go into the same mailbox on my end.) The 
>> important part is the "HCL" subject so I can find it later.
>> For anyone else who runs across this: you don't necessarily need to be 
>> subscribed to the list to send an HCL entry. It will take some time for me 
>> to get to the moderator web page to let it through, so please be patient.
>>> The result of the command
>>> upscmd -u user -p password myups load.off.delay 300
>>> is an immediate power-off, no delay.
>> Hmm. Certainly possible that we are sending the delay to the wrong spot. 
>> Hopefully the 300 is overriding the 20-second delay specified by 
>> ups.delay.shutdown.
>> You can try restarting just the driver with debug flags - something like the 
>> following, depending on your distribution's paths:
>> /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -a <name> -DDD 2>&1 | tee CPS-EC750G.log
>> Let it run for 45-60 seconds and then stop it with Ctrl-C. Please compress 
>> the log with gzip before posting.
> Hi Charles,
> Command, run on FreeBSD 11.0 (amd64)
> /usr/local/libexec/nut/usbhid-ups -a myups -DDD 2>&1 | tee CPS-EC750G.log
> 70 seconds of output attached.
> Let me know if you need anything else.  This is an 'on the shelf' spare
> UPS for me, so there is some flexibility in playing with it...
> thx.

I have to break down my test setup as I need to use the equipment
elsewhere for a while.  So, for now, I cannot perform any further testing...

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