Hello All,
I ran a few DNS tests against OpenDNS and I won't say it works
"splendidly" as they describe it. In summary, don't use OpenDNS on your
mail server.
- does NOT resolve fake MX records
- does resolve A records for fake records
So, if you run a mail server with anti-spam checks
Hello Robin,
You raise a very important question. How does OpenDNS handle for
us mail server folks the antispam (RBL, SURBL, MX) lookups for
non-existant domains? Funny thing, is they have "suggest" mailservers
use them for DNS queries.
-Original Message-
I do not use this service as its claim to 'correct spelling mistakes' must
inherently chose one 'mistake' over another, sucks to be the guy whose
site isn't chosen. Additionally resolving false or mistyped domains
stands to break much spam filtering.
If you want reliable DNS root servers loo