[nysbirds-l] RBA Buffalo Bird Report 29 Sep 2011

2011-09-29 Thread dfsuggs
- RBA * New York * Buffalo * 09/29/2011 * NYBU1109.29 - Birds mentioned --- Please submit email to dfsuggs localnet com --- CONNECTICUT WARBLER Great Egret Wood Duck Green-winged Teal Northern Pintail Blue-

[nysbirds-l] Sullivan County Laughing Gulls

2011-09-29 Thread vanhaas
This morning while conducting the Summitville Hawk Watch, at 11:10 am I noticed two gulls coming at me over the first nob northeast of the tower. As the birds got closer, I realized something wasn't right. They were neither Herring nor Ring-billed Gulls, our most common at the site. They had