I went east on dune road, and although there were a number of shore birds
at the Tiana "bay side" sandy beach, the numbers and varieties of shore
birds and terns were down. Perhaps because I saw some people using fishing
nets there to catch bait, and also a sailboat group pulled in to t
A foray via boat from the Norrie Point Marina in Staatsburg down as far as
the Newburgh Beacon Bridge this evening yielded mostly Ring-billed and
Herring Gulls. No shearwater seen.
Susan Joseph
Rhinebeck, Dutchess County
NYSbirds-L List Info:
with a diplomatic assist to derek rogers we must retract the sighting of a
solitary sandpiper on dune rd yesterday-most probably a spotted
sorry for any confusion or problems this caused
thanks lee stocker
NYSbirds-L List Info: