Manhattan, N.Y. City - 3/1 & 3/2:

2 Western Tanagers continue, one (now watched for more often & by more observers) at Carl Schurz Park, off East End Ave. & often seen by the feeder array just inside the park & south of E. 86th, nearer to E. 85th Street[s], the other (less watched-for, and prob. tougher to locate) around the area of West 22nd-23rd Streets, just east of Tenth Ave. & can also be ‘missing’ for long long periods of time, with no one definitive site any more that is known, for searchers with limited time. That latter bird, also a female like the Carl Schurz Park tanager, was the first of the two to be publicly reported, although it’s not known when either may have first arrived, in 2020. (with foliage lingering on a lot of trees in November & even in December, there is a chance that either bird was present for days, weeks, poss. even longer in the areas, or at least in the county, before being spotted by birders.)

A Horned Grebe in mostly-basic plumage was continuing on the East / Harlem river area near E. 106th-107th Streets & vicinity. Mostly viewed from the Manhattan side although also could be seen at times from Randall’s Island, and (poorly) from the footbridge to-from that island. A Lesser Scaup (drake) has been seen in the same general area, and is also indicative of the general flux of duckage & geese, as well as some other waterbirds.

Multiple N. Pintails have been showing, with a pair (hen & drake) on the Central Park reservoir as of Monday, 3/1, and one drake showing (again) at the W. 79th St. boat-basin on the Hudson river. A mid-afternoon visit to this site offered a tantalizing fly-by of a potential-putative “thayer’s” type (white-winged) gull, in close vicinity of where a gull of that type had been seen several times recently, but this 3:15 pm fly-by on Tuesday was a bit too fast for (my) photos - though it & a few other gulls stayed in the area for a few moments, mostly just south of the boat-basin, and seemed to drift south a little, then poss. out over the river &/or west to the New Jersey side. At that moment, a minor flurry of gull movement, perhaps low-tide related, was occuring, but after a half-hour, not much more seemed to be happening on the river, at least right there, and I moved on, however not to the south, where at least some of the gull activity may have shifted to.

There’s been some ongoing waterbird movement, including in the gusty flow of wind first from the NW, & later WSW, on Tuesday. And SNOW is still not gone from Central Park, as of Tuesday early a.m. - the weather also preserving some of the lingering winter feeling. Some fresh movement is likely, even as soon as Wednesday.

good birding to all,

Tom Fiore

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