New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan & Randall’s Island
Sat., 11/20 thru Tuesday, 11/23 -
On Tuesday, a Yellow-breasted Chat was discovered at City Hall Park (south of 
Chambers St., in lower Manhattan), and was accompanied there by Ovenbird and 
Common Yellowthroat, as well as some other passerines such as Brown Creeper, 
Golden-crowned Kinglet, and some other birds. The Chat was a brighter 
individual than the recent one that had been near to Bryant Park which so many 
had come to see.
A Dickcissel was continuing at Dyckman Fields, north of the western terminus of 
Dyckman St., in northern Manhattan; this is a long-lingering bird by now and 
has had multiple observers. A Baltimore Oriole was noted in that same area, and 
that general area (of Manhattan) has in recent years sometimes hosted B. 
Oriole[s] attempting to overwinter.
A Scarlet Tanager was photographed at Hudson River Park in the Tribeca area of 
Manhattan, near the entrance to Pier 40, on Mon., 11/22.  Some warblers still 
lingering recently have included the long-staying Orange-crowned Warbler, as 
well as Black-and-white and Pine Warbler[s] at Central Park, as well as 
Black-throated Blue Warbler at Union Square Park in downtown Manhattan; there 
may well be additional warblers lingering in some locations around the county.  
A Blue-headed Vireo was found at Highbridge Park in northern Manhattan on 11/22.
Some other recent birds have included Pine Siskin in several locations in the 
county, Snow Buntings again at Randall’s Island, American Tree Sparrows, [Red] 
Fox Sparrows, and other birds of the season such as Red-shouldered Hawks, Bald 
Eagles, and ongoing varied waterfowl.
Good birding to all, and again safe travels to those doing any,
Tom Fiore
N.Y. Ccity, & beyond


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