Yesterday & today were designated flower planting days, but tomorrow has
now been added due to the Little Egret found at Gardiner's Park, Bay Shore
by Pete Morris yesterday ! I don't believe I've ever met Pete, and before
writing anything else, just want to thank him for his attention to detail !

Taking a break (for both my back and a computer check) and finding that the
bird had been seen this AM, my outdoor activity changed from one of labor,
to one of love !  Not taking time to change, I made the LIE in record time,
and seemed to get to Gardiner's Park (my 1st time there) quite fast. After
meeting Ed Brecher in the parking lot, and "double-timing" it down to the
bay, we found a small group of folks *not* looking at the bird. Most of
them had seen it earlier, before it took off. We were then joined by a few
more hopefuls, and before too long, a "possible" was spotted at the n/s of
the east-most marsh. With ~ 8 scopes trained on the target bird, and aided
by a wind that at times made it's 2 head plumes stand out, along with the
egret's grayish lores becoming discernible, *Egretta garzetta* became
reality ! The Little Egret stayed active flying a bit (out of sight at
times) but finally came down in the marsh, much closer to us than
previously. It then flew a hair to the west and landed (still in the east
marsh) where a Snowy Egret sachet-ed up to it, for the "mother of all" size
comparisons ! It then flew to the west-most marsh, where it gave us a few
more abbreviated looks before going down into an un-see-able area at the
north edge of that marsh.

 In addition to the Little Egret, FOY birds for me (at the marshes) were
Glossy Ibis, Green Heron and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Also, as we
were walking out along the trail to the p/lot, Tom Burke, Gail Benson and
Ed B. were instrumental in my seeing both Yellow-billed & Black-billed
Cuckoos. Tom first heard the Y-b and then did a neat replica of it's call,
until Gail found it. Tom continued calling, which brought in at least one
other Y-b. Closer to the p/lot, Tom heard a B-b, and started a series of
it's call until Ed found that bird, which became my 4th FOY of the day.
Bring on the Geraniums !

* Little Egret first seen on 9/19/96 in Florence, Italy, on the shore of
the Arno River.


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