An UPLAND SANDPIPER was at Calvert Vaux Park (Coney Island Creek,  
Brooklyn) this morning, perhaps, though not necessarily, the same  
bird seen on 4/17. With good movement going on and appropriate  
habitat a second individual doesn’t seem too unlikely. Today it was  
joined on the fenced soccer fields by a group of BOBOLINKS before the  
soccer players arrived around 9:30 AM; once again, I did not relocate  
the bird.

After a rainy visit last week it was good to see many FoS species,  
including several that have nested at the park in recent years such  
as Brown Thrasher, Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat and Indigo  

Good birding,
Alex Wilson
Brooklyn, NY

Location:     Dreier-Offerman Park
Observation date:     5/1/10
Number of species:     68

Brant     125
Canada Goose     20
Mute Swan     3
Mallard     15
Bufflehead     1
Red-breasted Merganser     3
Common Loon     2
Double-crested Cormorant     10
Great Blue Heron     1
Great Egret     2
Black-crowned Night-Heron     5
American Kestrel     1
Killdeer     4
Spotted Sandpiper     1
Solitary Sandpiper     2     (With Yellowlegs at puddle near parking  
lot entry.)
Lesser Yellowlegs     2
Upland Sandpiper     1     (On the fenced soccer fields west of the  
parking lot. Photographed.)
Laughing Gull     60
Ring-billed Gull     75
Herring Gull (American)     35
Great Black-backed Gull     25
Common Tern     2
Rock Pigeon     30
Mourning Dove     10
Chimney Swift     4
Red-bellied Woodpecker     1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)     12
Eastern Phoebe     1
Eastern Kingbird     5
White-eyed Vireo     1
Warbling Vireo     3
American Crow     5
Fish Crow     2
crow sp.     5
Tree Swallow     5
Barn Swallow     7
Carolina Wren     2
House Wren     2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     1
American Robin     20
Gray Catbird     10
Northern Mockingbird     2
Brown Thrasher     2
European Starling     100
Nashville Warbler     1
Yellow Warbler     4
Black-throated Blue Warbler     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)     3
Prairie Warbler     1
Black-and-white Warbler     2
Northern Waterthrush     1
Common Yellowthroat     3
Eastern Towhee     1
Chipping Sparrow     3
Field Sparrow     1
Savannah Sparrow     10
Song Sparrow     10
Swamp Sparrow     3
White-throated Sparrow     7
Northern Cardinal     4
Indigo Bunting     1
Bobolink     7     (3 singing along edge of west field; also on  
fenced soccer fields.)
Red-winged Blackbird     25
Common Grackle     4
Brown-headed Cowbird     10
Baltimore Oriole     1
House Finch     5
American Goldfinch     10
House Sparrow     10


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