Sunday, 17 Feb., 2013  -  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Perhaps least common of the regularly-occuring species seen today was a drake 
Common Merganser (not at all common in N.Y. City, & less so in Central Park), 
photographed at the Meer.  A few Rusty Blackbirds were also around, singles 
being found at the "oven", at the Pond (south end) & Strawberry Fields (the 
latter in scruffy condition); a fairly good icterid tally on the day as a 
Baltimore Oriole is still in the park, today visiting the Ramble feeders at 
least once (and moving around the area), with 30+ Red-winged Blackbirds around 
(including a few females), & ongoing mobs of Common Grackles (in the Hallett 
Sanctuary and Ramble).  I did not see any finches besides the typical House & 
Gold (of the American species), but perhaps some among the many observers going 
to the feeders & etc. did see another species.  

A young Iceland Gull persists at the Lake & was seen & photographed in flight 
over the water as well as on it, as usual with several dozen Ring-billed Gulls. 
More than 100 N. Shoveler are also present at the Lake.  In the park entire (I 
walked all of the length & breadth in 6+ hours time) were over 250 American 
Robins, from the south end thru the north & in multiple feeding parties - with 
one individual standing out, amongst a smallish flock, immediately west of the 
reservoir track in a low gully between there & the old bridle path; this robin 
was as pale as any I've ever come across, indeed the plumage was as if 
"bleached" and the bird was easy to pick out when I passed the area a second 
time late in the day.  

A list of all species I encountered is below:

Pied-billed Grebe 
Double-crested Cormorant 
Great Blue Heron 
Canada Goose 
Mute Swan (1 continues, Meer)
Wood Duck (7 on reservoir & 1 on the Pond)
American Black Duck 
Northern Shoveler 
Hooded Merganser 
Common Merganser (1 drake, Meer)
Ruddy Duck 
Sharp-shinned Hawk 
Cooper's Hawk 
Red-tailed Hawk 
American Kestrel 
American Coot 
Ring-billed Gull 
Herring Gull 
Iceland Gull (1, Lake)
Great Black-backed Gull 
Rock Pigeon 
Mourning Dove 
Red-bellied Woodpecker 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 
Downy Woodpecker 
Hairy Woodpecker 
Northern [Yellow-shafted] Flicker (1) 
Blue Jay 
American Crow 
Black-capped Chickadee 
Tufted Titmouse 
Red-breasted Nuthatch (2)
White-breasted Nuthatch 
Brown Creeper 
Carolina Wren 
Winter Wren (Loch)
Hermit Thrush 
American Robin 
Gray Catbird (near the Pond)
Northern Mockingbird 
Brown Thrasher (Strawberry Fields)
European Starling 
Eastern Towhee 
 "red" Fox Sparrow
Song Sparrow 
 Swamp Sparrow 
White-throated Sparrow 
Dark-eyed Junco (20+ in one flock)
Northern Cardinal 
Red-winged Blackbird 
Rusty Blackbird (3 locations)
Common Grackle 
Baltimore Oriole (lingering, Ramble)
House Finch 
American Goldfinch 
House Sparrow 

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

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