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This afternoon was fairly productive Central Park.  From the top of
Belvedere Castle I saw 5 Kestrels, 1 Merlin an Osprey and a young Bald Eagle
during a hour's watch.  With the gusty north winds I expected a bit more
than the numbers I actually saw.  Many swifts were active, perhaps
indicating some southward movement on their part.

In the Ramble we were able to find several species of warbler fairly easily
but the highlight was a basic plumaged Hooded Warbler in the west side of
Tupelo Field found by Rhys Marsh.  Redstarts dominated the warbler mix today
and flocks of young Robins were omnipresent.

In the North Woods, we found many more Redstarts along with good looks at a
Wilson's Warbler and Chestnut-sided Warbler.  The wildflower meadow was
thick with Common Yellowthroats and I wonder how many breed there or if they
are all just passing through?

On the Reservoir we found a Laughing Gull in with the Ringers, Herring and
Great Black-backs.  Two Common Nighthawks also flew south across the
Reservoir while we watched.

There seems to be a great variety and number of Dragonflies currently in the
park.  I noticed at least 7+ species in passing and from the Castle while
looking for hawks I got to see great numbers of them, one of which was eaten
by a passing Merlin.

Should be a good weekend for birding!

Sam Stuart

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