The NYSOA County and State Listing Project is accepting birders' data for
2011. If you wish to get your numbers into the 2011 report, don't miss the
3/15/12 deadline. NYSOA is also requesting submission / re-submission of
2009 data by 3/15/12 so that the 2009 report can also be completed. (The
2010 report was published last fall.)
If you don't know what this project is about and it piques your interest,
read on.
For the listers among you who enjoy a fun, friendly competition that can
cover an entire year or even extend over many years, the NYSOA County and
State Listing Project is just the ticket. Started in 1992 by Berna Lincoln,
the competition continues to engage many participants across the state, some
of whom have not missed a single year since the beginning. The ultimate
objective of the project is to encourage birders of all levels to get out
and bird the many varied habitats of New York State and report their
sightings throughout the year to local clubs, NYSOA's regional editors, and
Once a year, participants send in their life list totals for the entire
state, the 10 Kingbird regions, and/or the 62 counties. You can send in just
one number or as many as 74, or anywhere in between - it's your choice
depending on where you've birded and what records you've kept. A compilation
is produced annually and published in NYSOA's newsletter and now also on the
NYSOA website at
The 2010 report, published in the October 2011 issue of New York Birders, is
the first to be posted on the NYSOA website's new County and State Listing
Project page at http:// <>  The long-awaited corrected 2008 report
can also be downloaded from that page. We've received a number of requests
for the missing 2009 report, so we plan to compile all 2009 data that are
submitted/re-submitted by the deadline of 3/15/12. Even if you already
submitted your 2009 report in 2010, please send it in again. 
Participants now have several options for submitting their reports. The
traditional paper form is very much alive and well, but for those who prefer
going paperless, online submission is now possible. Paper reports can also
be scanned and sent in via email attachment, or faxed. Printable forms can
be downloaded from http:// <> and links to the online forms are also
found on that page.
Join in on the fun and don't miss the deadline! And remember, no reports
submitted in previous years are automatically carried into the next
published list - the slate is wiped clean each year. If you want to be
listed, you must submit your report, even if your numbers haven't changed
since the last one.
Participation in the project is open to anyone who is a member of NYSOA or
one of NYSOA's member clubs.
Carena Pooth


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