The last time the bird was seen yesterday was roughly 5:30. Six or seven
birders saw it on one of the secondary paths on the north side, around
41.186110, -73.891340.
Bob Lewis
Sleepy Hollow NY
On Sunday, August 18, 2019, 8:09:53 PM EDT, Adrian Burke
Correction: Western King
Correction: Western Kingbird was at northeast side of landfill, not
northwest. Was no longer present there around 5pm when I and others checked
again but apparently was also missing there at that time yesterday, so may
still be around. (Meant to update from field but phone died.)
Good luck to anyo
Western Kingbird was present (may very well still be) when I and others
were last looking (maybe 2:45?) at northwest end of landfill west of
ballfields. It repeatedly returned to bare snags on north side of the road
At the landfill, a skittish Upland Sandpiper continues, occasionally flying