Lake-watching highlights during the NE winds and misty conditions this
morning (26 October) along the Lake Ontario shore at Olcott and Fort Niagara
State Park in Niagara County:

Olcott (8:30 to 9:00):
Northern Gannet - 1 juv. (about 150 yards out heading west at 8:50; I later
caught up with the bird at Wilson Harbor at 9:05 and then again at Old Lake
Rd. along Route 18 in the town of Porter at 9:15. Coincidentally enough at
Old Lake Rd. it stalled and plunged dived in front of me only to surface
next to what looked like an old white detergent bottle; it then sat on the
water for about a minute and half before continuing west)
Pomarine Jaeger - 1 dark/intermediate juv. (about 200 yards out sitting on
the water and occasionally making short flights chasing a Ring-billed Gull)
Dunlin - 60 (two flocks heading east)

Fort Niagara State Park (9:35 to 12:30):
Parasitic Jaeger - 2-3 intermediate to dark juvs. (at least six different
sightings most which were out over the lake chasing Bonaparte's Gulls, but
on two occasions birds were observed over land with at one point two birds
were about 50 feet overhead and heading inland to the SW)
Pomarine Jaeger – 2 intermediate and intermediate/dark juvs. (at least 4
different sightings with all birds out over the lake giving brief chases to
Bonaparte's Gulls and once a Herring Gull)
Dunlin - 635 (all heading east in about a dozen flocks ranging from 5 to 200
Sanderling - 3 (heading east with 65 Dunlin)
Ruddy Turnstone - 1 (east with 200 Dunlin)
Brant - 211 (all heading west in three flocks with the last two flocks
putting down across the river on the lawn at Fort George in
Niagara-on-the-Lake [Ontario])

In addition to the above, also moving were 1200+ DC Cormorants in numerous
flocks heading west, along with upwards of 80 Common and 4-6 Red-throated
Loons that were both on the water and in the air. Also seen were several
each of Horned Grebe, White-winged Scoter, and Long-tailed Duck.

On the way back south, a brief stop Goat Island in Niagara Falls turned up
75 N. Rough-winged, 2 Tree, and 2 Barn Swallows feeding over the rapids just
out from Three Sister Islands.  Across the river on the Ontario side were 27
Dunlin running around on the south end of the control structure breakwall,
along with a Sanderling that was on rocks about mid-river.  Also 2 late
Blackpoll Warblers were in amongst a small flock of songbirds just
downstream of Three Sisters.

Jim Pawlicki
Amherst, NY


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