Yesterday, Kirsten and I surveyed the Hudson River from the Dutchess/Putnam 
County line, south into Westchester, to Croton Point and then inland to the 
Croton Reservoir. We came up with about 55 eagles, most of which were 
concentrated in Peekskill, from the Bear Mountain Overlook, soouth to China 
Pier. Then there was a collection of about 10 or so at Croton Reservoir. 
we ran into a Mearns Club group that had started out earlier and felt would 
probably tally around 75 or so eagles, based on our comparison of notes.These 
eagles have apparently just arrived on the scene with the blast of cold air, 
leading to the progressive freezing of lakes and ponds, and eventually, the 
Hudson, which is now showing some signs of freezing up, north of Georges 
Other birds of note from yesterday include for us, an adult Peregrine we found 
roosting and hunting in the area of the Taconic Parkway's (northbound) bridge 
that span the croton reservoir. it made a pass at a Cooper's hawk and pretty 
much stuck to the top of the bridge's superstructure. we also heard from the 
Mearns Club group of a roosting Peregrine frequenting the Westchester County 
garbage plant, next to China Pier in peekskill. 
they also had a Merlin somewhere in the area as well. There is currently a very 
nice collection of waterfowl on the Croton reservoir's south side, about midway 
between the dam and the Taconic Parkway's Croton River Bridges. It consists of 
a few hundred birds, primarily hooded and common mergs, gadwall, ruddy duck, 
coot, ringneck and more. This side of the reservoir may be accessed via 
"reservoir rd", which skirts the south side of the reservoir. 
Croton Point Park seemed rather birdless. The arificial meadow has been mowed, 
making it look more appealing to golfers than birders (and birds). Ah, the 
Westchester County Parks Dept management team 'strikes again'. 
John Askildsen 
Millbrook, New York


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