[nysbirds-l] @JBWR Golden Plover (YES), American Avocet (YES), Wilson's Phalarope...

2009-08-21 Thread Andrew Baksh
I joined Karlo Mirth this morning after his call about the 3 Wilson's Phalaropes on the East Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Together, we observed about 19 species of shorebirds with highlights being: American Avocet (1) Wilson's Phalarope (3) American Golden Plover (1) Pectoral Sandpiper (1

[nysbirds-l] JBWR Golden Plover (Yes)

2009-08-14 Thread Andrew Baksh
I along with Karlo Mirth, Anne Lazarus, Taeko Tsujimoto, Judy Rabi and Ron Antonucci observed an American Golden Plover around the spit at the North End of the East Pond around 3:00 PM. The bird is still here as I am posting this msg. Good luck if you try for it. Good birding at Jamaica Bay Andr