Joe Mitchell, Bill Watson, and I met on the lower Niagara River today
checking out Goat Island downriver to Lewiston. In Niagara Falls from the
shore of Goat Island in the morning (just upstream from the Three Sisters
Islands) we watched the continuing adult Slaty-backed Gull standing out on
the large flat rock in the middle of the river. It was difficult to observe
at this time as it was partially obscured behind other gulls and lighting
conditions were less than ideal. Just before leaving around 10:30 we
briefly looked for the bird again, but did not see it. From Goat Island and
later from the third of the Three Sisters Islands we also had an adult male
Harlequin Duck that was about mid-river in the pool just downstream from
the first shelf drop near the "treed rock."

At Whirlpool State Park in the late morning, the continuing juvenile
Black-legged Kittiwake was foraging along the west shore of the inlet into
the whirlpool. Later scanning the rocks below Devil's Hole State Park we
did not see the 1st-winter Franklin's Gull here or while scoping the birds
foraging downriver in front of the Robert Moses Power Dam. Out from the
Lewiston docks was an adult Little Gull, while we also watched the now
local green wing-tagged adult Bald Eagle in-flight and later bathing on the
shore across the river in Queenston. From Artpark we observed at least a
dozen Turkey Vultures flying along the escarpment and over the village of
Lewiston, but did not encounter any Black Vultures.  We also had an
additional three Turkey Vultures earlier in the day between Whirlpool and
Devil's Hole State Parks.

Returning to Goat Island around 2:30 we scanned the birds on the shelf just
upstream of the Three Sisters Islands and re-located the Slaty-backed Gull
in-close and initially sleeping on the shelf just upstream from the third
sister island (and in NY/US waters as previously mentioned by David
Gordon). The bird remained here for at least the next hour and half as we
watched it from the bridge between the second and third sister islands and
later the third sister island. Around 4:15 it relocated over to the rocks
along the shore of the Goat Island where we continued to have great looks
at it from about 50 feet away.  Around 4:45 with the light failing we
watched it fly out towards the middle of river as the majority of the gulls
were leaving the shelf area.

Jim Pawlicki
Amherst, NY


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