[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2018-11-28 Thread Sy Schiff
Overcast, cold and windy. Kept the land birds down except for those by the feeders. Besides the Brant covering the cove before Bedell Creek, there was a single female RED-BREASTED MERGANSER and a PIED-BILL GREBE in the creek. A GREAT-BLUE HERON flew by. A few NORTHERN BLACK DUCKS and MALL

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-01-29 Thread Sy Schiff
I made the tour on a very overcast cold morning. Of interest besides the Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks and House sparrow, there are 4 American Wigeon, Hooded Mergansers, continuing lingering Cooper’s Hawk and Kestrel, a Belted Kingfisher and a few Song Sparrows. No Great Blues this morning. Sy

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature study Area, Oceanside

2019-03-30 Thread Sy Schiff
The first Ospreys of the year are the pair nesting on the south end of the property. Yesterday additional Ospreys nesting on poles and boxes on 4 sites in the marsh islands appeared. The resident pair are a continuing female (check the band) and a brand new very skittish young male. Mike Farina,

[nysbirds-l] Marine nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-04-24 Thread Sy Schiff
A bit windy which appears to keep the small birds away. CLAPPER RAILS are on site along with an adult LITTLE BLUE HERON and the first YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON. A single WILLET called. GREATER YELLOWLEGS continue. It’s a start. Sy Schiff Sent from Mail for Windows 10 -- NYSbirds-L List Info:

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-04-30 Thread Sy Schiff
Overcast with a bit of mist and very raw. A CLAPPER RAIL called in the marsh. WILLETS finally made their appearance where previously they had only been heard. Both EGRETS and both YELLOWLEGS were seen. Otherwise not much. Some greenery starting in the marsh, but it’s still not Spring. Sy Schif

[nysbirds-l] Marine nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-05-07 Thread Sy Schiff
A bit of Summer inhabitants and a bit of migrants in the marshes this morning. Migrants included SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, both YELLOWLEGS, LEAST SANDPIPERS, SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER, and a HORNED GREBE. A string of DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMOANTS flew over. Summer visitors included WILLET, GLOSSY IBIS, both

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-05-18 Thread Sy Schiff
The 5 marsh breeders were all present, visible and singing this morning,; namely CLAPPER RAIL, WILLET, MARSH WREN, SEASIDE SPARROW and SALTMARSH SPARROW. An adult BALD EAGLE flew over, very high up, harassed by a Peregrine Falcon (probable the local breeder). The eagle ignored the falcon and kept

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-05-22 Thread Sy Schiff
The Osprey breeding has been terminated (eggs destroyed), so the barriers on the path have come down and one can walk around the pond. Ospreys are still perching on the platform and surrounding perches. Clapper Rails are very active calling in the marsh but stayed mostly hidden. Seaside Sparrows

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-05-24 Thread Sy Schiff
Very windy, gusts to 21 mph. No Sparrows seen or heard in the marsh. A WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER posed next to a SEMIPALMATED (nice size comparison in the photo), first for me as all the prior reports have come from later in the day after I left. All together 11 species of shorebirds. CLAPPER RAILS

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-05-31 Thread Sy Schiff
An immature and an adult TRICOLORED HERON continue this morning. Seaside Sparrow singing and Clapper Rails calling and running around. Didn’t hear the Marsh Wren today. Sy Schiff Sent from Mail for Windows 10 -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://

[nysbirds-l] marine nature study area-oceanside

2019-09-13 Thread Sy Schiff
A nice group of shorebirds at MNSA this morning consisting of 9 species. Included were a Long-billed Dowitcher and a mostly molted Golden Plover. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES.htm http://www.Nor

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-10-02 Thread Sy Schiff
The day started slow but picked up considerably when Mike Farina and I saw an adult and juvenile HUDSONIAN GODWIT feeding. Both birds soon flew off. Among the few Shorebird species was a group of 12 KILLDEER. The trail along the BACK fence had a LINCOLN , several SWAMP and SONG S

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2019-12-20 Thread Sy Schiff
Stopped by after lunch, still freezing, 31 Degrees. Some birds by the feeders, namely; White-throat, Fox and Song Sparrow plus Mourning Dove, Cardinal and usual House Sparrows. No birds in the marsh except for a Great Blue Heron and flyover Northern harrier and Bald Eagle In the channel, there

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2020-02-25 Thread Sy Schiff
Overcast, dwreey morning. New migrants were Red-winged Blackbird and Common Grackle. Continuing in the water, Greater Scaup (200+ in the channel), Lesser Scaup (Bedell Creek), 15 Bufflehead, 5 Hooded Merganser, 10 Red-breasted Merganser, 6 Red-throated Loon, 2 Horned Grebe and a male and

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside.

2020-03-10 Thread Sy Schiff
First of season Osprey carrying a fish and chased by Gulls. Second EGG laid in the Peregrine box over the weekend. Sy Schiff Sent from Mail for Windows 10 -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES.htm http://www.N

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2016-05-11 Thread syschiff
After a stop at Hempstead Lake SP, I went over to Oceanside and just missed a SEASIDE SPARROW. While going back to look for it, we found a SALTMARSH SPARROW. So, the sparrows are back along with a number of CLAPPER RAILS. A GREEN HERON showed, but not the recent Tricolored Heron. Shorebirds con

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2016-09-07 Thread syschiff
Oceanside 7 September Cloudy morning with not much activity. But, we managed to see both a SEASIDE and SALTMARSH SPARROW. A GREEN HERON popped up. a very pretty breeding plumage BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, some SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHERS, GREATER YELLOWLEGS, a number of PEEP and a single AMERICAN OYST

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2017-03-29 Thread syschiff
MNSA 29 Mar The first SNOWY EGRET showed up yesterday afternoon. This morning there were 2. A recent GREAT EGRET continues and the resident OSPREYs have set up house keeping. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.co

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2017-05-26 Thread syschiff
MNSA, Oceanside 26 May Yesterday's storm coupled with a new moon high tide completely flooded the marsh. It probably also washed out any nests already there. This morning the marsh was still mostly under water just after high tide when I arrived.. As a result the land birds normally in the mar

[nysbirds-l] Marine nature Study Area, Oceanside

2017-09-29 Thread Sy Schiff
A cool bright sunny mourning. Getting late in the season, but all the marsh species were present, namely:--Saltmarsh Sparrow, Seaside Sparrow 2, Clapper Rail, calls only, and Marsh Wren, 2. There was an influx of several Savannah Sparrows and 8 Swamp Sparrows. Other birds included Belted Kingf

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2017-10-25 Thread Sy Schiff
Overcast day after the rain ended. Tide fairly high. Few birds but a cluster of sparrows along the path, by the bench on east ide of pond. It included 2 Song, 1 Swamp, 1 Savannah and 3 House Sparrows; 2 Saltmarsh Sparrows were there just off the path. Good looks at both, but not Nelson’s. Ot

[nysbirds-l] Marine nature Study Area, Oceanside

2018-04-13 Thread Sy Schiff
I stopped by after lunch at low tide.. There was a scattering of GREAT EGRETS and GREATER YELLOWLEGS, a single SNOWY EGRET in Bedell Creek, 2 LAUGHING GULLS, a first FORSTER’S TERN in the channel, a pair of BARN SWALLOWS circling the bridge where a pair nested last year and a group of CEDAR WAXW

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2018-06-09 Thread Sy Schiff
The TRICOLORED HERON continues in the cut close to the office (surrounded by photographers, all very well behaved). It’s breeding time in the marsh. So, things are quiet. However, SALTMARSH SPARROWS are active, although Seaside Sparrows are not around nor are Marsh Wrens. Clapper Rails were quie

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2018-07-18 Thread Sy Schiff
CLAPPER RAIL, WILLET and GREEN HERON adults feeding with young . Also noted, a young YELLOW WARBLE. So, There has been nesting success. Two pairs of SALTMARSH SPARROWS bouncing around in the marsh——didn’t notice any young yet. Other birds of note, a CEDAR WAXWING and a WILLOW FLYCATCHER. Sy Schi

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2018-08-07 Thread Sy Schiff
If’s summer and post season breeding time. Willets have fledged and adults and young have all completely moved on; the same for Tree Swallows. Still swallows continue over the marsh, but now are all Barn. Young birds that remain are Clapper Rails, Green Herons, visiting Forster’s terns, Saltma

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2018-08-24 Thread Sy Schiff
Marine Nature Study Area. 24 Aug I spent the morning in the dry part of the facility, ignoring the marsh although a fully grown CLAPPER RAIL was observed from the parking lot. A RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD is hanging around. It appears in the blue salvia along the fence to the west and in the c

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2012-03-13 Thread Sy Schiff
March 13 As the clouds began to break up, I went to the Marine Nature Study Area in Oceanside. Lots of Red-winged Blackbirds calling and singing. Other birds of interest:-- Clapper Rail, calling Osprey, a single bird inspecting the nest Peregrine Falcon, continues at its nest box in the marsh

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside.

2013-01-31 Thread syschiff
Hi all. I walked the trails on Tuesday afternoon and looked over the place for the first time since Sandy. The staff and Town workers have cleaned the area so that it's almost as before, although it is a bit disconcerting to see seaweed at eye level in the shrubs along the trails. Storm surge

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-03-29 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, 29 March Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff ) went looking for early shorebirds this morning, but only found the pair of AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS that had been present for a while. Waders today included GREAT EGRET, GREAT BLUE HERON, BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON and a fos GLOSSY

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-05-23 Thread syschiff
MNSA, Oceanside 23 May Arrived mid-morning. Three widely separated CLAPPER RAILS were calling, with one coming up for a photo op. Other shorebirds included SEMIPALMATED AND BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, SEMIPALMATED and WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS, DUNLIN, SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHERS and WILLET, Most of the sh

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-07-14 Thread syschiff
MNSA, Oceanside, 14 July. Just after low tide; hot and sultry this morning. A beginning of shorebird movement coupled with some visible marsh breeders. Today there was a KILLDEER, LEAST and SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPERS, GREATER YELLOWLEGS and WILLET. (also, Short-billed Dowitchers yesterday). There

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-07-26 Thread syschiff
July 26, Oceanside Since "Sandy", full moon high tides at the Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside have inundated the marshes. Consequently, nests in the marsh have on more than one occasion been washed away. As a result, nesting success has been poor. Today, turned out to be a notable surprise,

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-08-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, August 2 Only about 2 dozen shorebirds, but they comprised 8 common species. So, it made the morning interesting. An imm. LITTLE BLUE HERON was feeding just down the path. Start checking the snowys carefully, easy to overlook a stranger. A SALTMARSH SPARROW was singin

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-08-30 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 30 Aug. A very late CLAPPER RAIL chick with parent made a brief appearance this morning . They posed for a quick photo before disappearing into the marsh. (Mike Farina, staff biologist, posted the picture on his blog.) Other birds of note were a pair of SALTM

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2013-10-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 2 October Did the Government also shut down Fall? Beautiful August type day and finally, what appears to be the start of a migration. For a change, a decent mix of shorebirds and sparrows. Starting with the shorebirds:-BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, PECTORAL, STILT AN

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-04-02 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 2 April Both GREAT EGRET and SNOWY EGRET were feeding in the marsh this morning. An adult LITTLE BLUE HERON flew by in the distance. A few GREATER YELLOWLEGS were scattered around. OSPREY pairs were seen on two nest platforms and a PEREGRINE FALCON was seen a

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-04-27 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 27 April A FOS SEASIDE SPARROW was singing by the pond path, but failed to show itself. Other recently arriving summer birds seen today included GLOSSY IBIS, WILLET, 2 loudly calling and then posing CLAPPER RAILS , LAUGHING GULL and FORSTER'S TERN. Sy Schiff

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-05-13 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 13 May There were 3 singing sparrows in the marsh around the pond, 1 SEASIDE SPARROW and 2 SALTMARSH SPARROWS. All popped up briefly before disappearing. Other birds included 2 CLAPPER RAILS, also briefly seen, FORSTER'S TERNS, a pair of LEAST TERNS and a GRE

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside.

2014-07-19 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 19 July Overcast day at very low tide. A few shorebirds were present, namely Semipalmated Plover, Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper and Short-billed Dowitcher. I observed 5 widely scattered Saltmarsh Sparrows. After the spring/summer high tides, Seaside Spa

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2015-09-16 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside, 16 Sept A bit of a movement (finally). Along the walk, there were a half dozen COMMON YELLOWTHROATS, a YELLOW WARBLER, 6 PALM WARBLERS (western) and a SAVANNAH SPARROW. In the marsh were 2 SEASIDE SPARROWS and 6 SALTMARSH SPARROWS. Overhead a foraging NORTHE

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2016-01-29 Thread syschiff
MNSA, Oceanside 29 Jan Other than "dune" area, all paths clear enough for walking. The MARSH WREN continues around the pond. Sparrows included. SONG, SWAMP, SAVANNAH and TREE. Fly over included 2 SNOW GEESE, NORTHERN HARRIER, DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT and BELTED KINGFISHER In the channel WHITE

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2016-04-27 Thread syschiff
Not much doing other than an influx of shorebirds and Ibis. 13 Glossy Ibis, flying around, finally landing in the puddle to the west of the pond and fed with a Snowy Egret, Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs and 3 Greater Yellowlegs. In the puddle on the east side there were 3 Short-billed Do

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2016-04-29 Thread syschiff
Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) accompanied by Mike Farina (staff biologist) birded Oceanside on an overcast windy morning. Breeding birds nesting or feeding in the marsh, consisted of OSPREY, GLOSSY IBIS, GREAT and SNOWY EGRETS, TRICOLORED HERON, CLAPPER RAIL (calling in the marsh), AMERICAN OYST

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside-godwit

2019-09-28 Thread Sy Schiff
An Hudsonian Godwit was present this morning sleeping in the deep grass, very occasionally picking up its head. Sy Schiff -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsSubsc

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside,NY

2018-03-06 Thread Sy Schiff
The MNSA was inundated during the weekend storm and high tide this morning (11:23 AM) will probably flood the paths. There’s still a problem in low areas along the South Shore. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS are in full song. A nice start to the coming Spring season. A SALTMARSH SPARROW showed up on Sat

[nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside, NY

2013-03-13 Thread syschiff
Marine Nature Study Area 13 Mar The first OSPREY of the season circled over the nest platform this morning before drifting over to the east. Both REDWINGS and COMMON GRACKLES frequented the feeders; Northern Cardinals and Song Sparrows were singing. All--in-all it's a start for spring. The LON

RE: [nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside

2014-04-29 Thread Grover, Bob
, April 27, 2014 7:52 PM To: NYSBIRDS_L Subject: [nysbirds-l] Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside 27 April A FOS SEASIDE SPARROW was singing by the pond path, but failed to show itself. Other recently arriving summer birds seen today included GLOSSY IBIS, WILLET, 2