I have posted some photos of the AMERICAN
that was on the East Pond today at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens.
This is our 4th Avocet for the season that I am aware of that has been
observed and the 1st for August.

Hopefully, this one sticks around for others to see it since the last few
were all one or two day visitors.  The other highlights were 2 *Red
Knots*loafing with the Black-belied Plovers and a few
*Stilt Sandpipers* which has suddenly become harder to find.

Shorebird numbers nosedived from yesterday with a lot of birds apparently
pulling out last night.  I estimated around 600 shorebirds on the pond
today and this was during peak high tide.

Yesterday, I documented two young Peregrine Falcons running sorties on the
East Pond.  To add insult to injury, one injured shorebird was picked off
near the North Island and eaten in full view of its buddies.

Andrew Baksh
Queens, NY

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 2:51 PM, joebor...@hotmail.com <
joebor...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> **
> Last 2 hours and still there when I left. West side by Dead man's Cove
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>  __._,_.___
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