As Christine Guarino kindly posted earlier for us when we were out in the 
field, Jodi Brodsky and I were lucky enough to refind the previously reported 
Pink-footed Goose this afternoon (11/7) at Sunken Meadow State Park.  

    We were leaving the park headed south on the Sunken Meadow Parkway (having 
found neither the Pinkfoot nor the Barnacle Goose), when, only about a hundred 
yards after crossing Sunken Meadow Creek, Jodi noticed a flock of about 30 
geese headed north almost straight toward us.  We immediately pulled over, 
jumped out of the car, and, as the flock of Canadas went right over us (they 
were quite low), had a nice look at the Pink-footed ensconced in it.  This was 
at about 3:05 PM.  

    The birds definitely landed somewhere in Sunken Meadow Creek west of the 
bridge.  We tried to find the bird again by scoping from the bridge, but it was 
not visible among the 50 or so Canadas that could be seen in the creek there.  
There were definitely more geese in the creek than we could see; at one point, 
about 10 Canadas flew up from the the area of Phragmites "islands" in the creek 
that can be seen from this bridge to the northwest (they flew up from just in 
back of the Osprey platform visible from the bridge).

    Sorry for the novella; just wanted to give as much information as possible 
about location and times for future searchers.  Near as we could tell, the 
flock was headed almost due north when we saw them; maybe that'll help someone 
figure out where the the bird's spending its day.      

   A few additional highlights of our day on Long Is. included one American 
Golden Plover still with a huge flock of Dunlins, Black-bellied Plovers, and a 
few Red Knots on the beach just west of Field 6 at Jones Beach, and 2 drake 
Harlequin Ducks at Jones Inlet (Pt. Lookout).

Good birding 

Tait Johansson
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