We birded Pt. Lookout this morning with mediocre results. Our best bird was a 
Western Willet feeding along the rocks at Fireman's Park, undoubtedly the same 
bird reported a few weeks ago from this location. Our most intriguing (and 
disappointing) bird was a small loon feeding on the outgoing tide on the WE2 
side of the inlet. The bird was observed in the vicinity of red buoy # 8 about 
10:30 AM. The bird had a brownish nape, lighter than the dark back. The bill 
was narrow, straight and held at the horizontal to the water. The head was 
nicely rounded with no forehead bump as seen on Common Loons. Due to frequent 
diving, we had multiple, brief looks at the bird as it drifted in to the mouth 
of the inlet (and straight into the sun). We could not see sufficient detail to 
see the sharp dark/light demarcation on the side of the neck, nor whether the 
bird had a chin strap. Once the bird drifted to a point where we were looking 
directly into the sun, we gave up, only to have the bird reappear near buoy # 
8. We realized that we would have much closer looks from the WE2 side so to the 
east side of the inlet we went. We found all the birds that were in the general 
vicinity of the mystery loon (Common, and Red-throated Loons, Horned Grebe, and 
Long-tailed Duck) but not the loon in question. After spending some time 
scoping the area It was becoming uncomfortable facing  into a stiffening west 
wind so we packed it in and headed for Massapequa Preserve. Birders looking in 
the inlet should keep an eye out for this bird, which may be Shawn Billerman's 
Pacific Loon observed a few weeks ago from the WE2 boat basin. At Mass. 
Preserve the Eurasian Wigeon hybrid and young male were feeding with American 
Wigeon on the ballfield with Canada Geese. Other birds present were Hermit 
Thrush, Brown Thrasher, and Winter Wren. Photos of the Willet and a few 
waterfowl are on my flickr site.

Seen by Others

Ed Becher had the elusive Northern Shrike in mid-morning at West End west of 
the northwest corner of the WE2 parking lot. 

Ken & Sue Feustel

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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