- RBA * New York * Buffalo * 05/02/2019 * NYBU1903.02 - Birds mentioned ------------------------------------------- Please submit reports to dsu...@buffaloornithologicalsociety.org -------------------------------------------
AMERICAN AVOCET American Bittern Green Heron Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Ruddy Duck Broad-winged Hawk Sora Common Gallinule Spotted Sandpiper Caspian Tern Yellow-b. Sapsucker Northern Flicker Gr. Cr. Flycatcher Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow House Wren Marsh Wren Veery Wood Thrush Gray Catbird Brown Thrasher Blue-headed Vireo Blue-winged Warbler Nashville Warbler Yellow Warbler Chestnut-s. Warbler Cape May Warbler Bl.-thr. Bl. Warbler Yellow-r. Warbler Bl.-thr. Green Warb. Blackburnian Warbler Pine Warbler Palm Warbler Bl. and w. Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Common Yellowthroat Rose-br. Grosbeak Eastern Towhee Field Sparrow Swamp Sparrow White-thr. Sparrow White-cr. Sparrow Baltimore Oriole - Transcript Hotline: Buffalo Bird Report at the Buffalo Museum of Science Date: 05/02/2019 Number: 716-896-1271 To Report: Same Compiler: David F. Suggs Coverage: Western New York and adjacent Ontario Website: www.BuffaloOrnithologicalSociety.org Thursday, May 2, 2019 The Buffalo Bird Report is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Ornithological Society. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200. Press the pound key to report sightings before the end of this report. Highlights of reports received April 25 through May 2 from the Niagara Frontier Region. April 28, on Lake Erie at Dunkirk Harbor, two AMERICAN AVOCETS on the Main Street beach at Roberts Road. The weather has been cold and wet, but migration is quickly breaking through the region. Sixteen warbler species were reported in the past two days. May 1, at Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo, a rich list of 66 species included seven warbler species with a high count of seven NORTHERN WATERTHRUSHES. Also at Tifft Nature Preserve, AMERICAN BITTERN, GREEN HERON, SORA, COMMON GALLINULE, SPOTTED SANDPIPER, CASPIAN TERN, YELLOW-B. SAPSUCKER, GR. CR. FLYCATCHER, BLUE- HEADED VIREO, HOUSE WREN, MARSH WREN, VEERY, WOOD THRUSH, GRAY CATBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, EASTERN TOWHEE, FIELD SPARROW, SWAMP SPARROW, WHITE-THR. SPARROW and WHITE-CR. SPARROW. Across the road from Tifft, at Gallagher Beach on the Outer Harbor, CLIFF SWALLOW and BANK SWALLOW, plus BROAD-WINGED HAWK, GREATER SCAUP, LESSER SCAUP and RUDDY DUCK. Other reports this week - at Amherst State Park, five PINE WARBLERS plus BLUE-WINGED WARBLER, NASHVILLE WARBLER, YELLOW WARBLER, CHESTNUT-S. WARBLER, PALM WARBLER, YELLOW-R. WARBLER, and BL.-THR. GREEN WARB. North to Fort Niagara State Park - OVENBIRD, CAPE MAY WARBLER, BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER and BL.-THR. BL. WARBLER. Also, several reports of backyard ROSE-BR. GROSBEAKS, BALTIMORE ORIOLES and NORTHERN FLICKERS. There will be a BOS meeting, this Wednesday, May 8, at 7 PM at the Buffalo Museum of Science. Dr. Gregg Cunningham of Saint John Fisher's College will present research on how birds use their sense of smell to forage, socialize and navigate. Visitors are always welcome at BOS meetings. You may report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and reporting. - End Transcript -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARCHIVES: 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L 3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01 Please submit your observations to eBird: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/ --