The photo'd / presumed Rufous Selasphorus Hummingbird
remained at Staten Island (New York City) into Sun., Nov. 1:
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A number of reports from NY & other nearby states suggest
the possibility of Cave Swallow (indefinite reports/sightings)
- this is the time of year that species is most regularly found
in the northeast.  Take care to eliminate other swallow spp.
as, even though unlikely, all NE breeders have been seen
even into November in recent years in northeastern areas.
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THREE PINK-FOOTED GEESE continue in southern Maine:
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2 "additional" Sandhill Cranes were reported from Quaker
Ridge hawk-watch at Greenwich CT, which along with all,
or virtually all, other birds seen migrating past there in fall
go into-through-over NY's Westchester County & perhaps
other counties in southeastern-most NY state (flying S-W).
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Western Kingbird lingering in Connecticut (+ new photos) -
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Of interest at least to Anserophiles (possible goose hybrid):
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3 Snow Buntings were seen & photographed on Hook Mtn.
in Rockland Co., NY on Sun. Nov. 1st. - & the species was
rather widely reported that day from multiple (N.) locations.
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Also reported from points north are fair numbers of Shrikes
presumed & mainly rept'd. all Northern Shrikes by this date
(rare-in-the-northeast Loggerhead should be considered &
eliminated through careful observation esp. on early dates)
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Sally Weiner, Susan Schulz and Alice Deutsch reported via
ebirdsNYC list-serve on an American Woodcock at "Locust
Grove", Central Park (Manhattan, NYC) on Sunday, Nov. 1.
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Monday, Nov. 2 - at least 5 drake Hooded Mergansers join
the many Ruddy Ducks, 50+ N. Shovelers, 12+ Bufflehead
& assorted gulls (including 2 Laughing), Pied-billed Grebe,
etc. on Central Park's reservoir (in Manhattan, N.Y. City). A
check of other water in Central revealed little in addition. A
fair early a.m. flight included blackbirds, goldfinches, some
E. Bluebirds (8+), American Robins, Blue Jays, and others.

Good  birding,

Tom Fiore,


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