Working an earlier than usual shift at work got me home with just enough
daylight left to run over to Heckscher State Park (Suffolk Co.)
to try for migrating Nighthawks. But if any were on the move this evening,
none passed through the swath of sky I watched, only a few bats.
But I did not get shut out on birds entirely. As I neared my car (parked on
Old Schoolhouse Road) I heard the soft "whinny" call of an Eastern
Screech Owl from the well-wooded yard of a residence across the street. It
was soon answered by at least two different birds not far inside
the park boundary. The owls went back and forth for a few minutes with some
short lulls. My barely passable whinny imitation may have
done the trick, or maybe it was just coincidence, but eventually one owl
flew into a tree just inside the park fence. A streetlight up the block
provided just enough illumination to help make out the bird's shaggy
silhouette and some faint details, but I wished I¹d had a flashlight in my
These birds were among the very few Screech Owls I¹ve encountered without
playback of recordings, mostly during the frigid pre-dawn hours of
Christmas counts, so finding some without trying on a balmy late summer
evening was a very pleasant surprise.


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