A brisk Autumn walk at Sunken Meadow State Park this morning was a pleasant way 
to start my day off.  Four Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Cooper's Hawk, and the 
resident Red-tailed Hawk were the only raptors at this location, all viewed 
from the east side of Field 3 parking lot.  The best vantage point is standing 
in the Dunes trail heading East towards the Bluff in Smithtown.  At this point, 
Accipiters and falcons fly right overhead  affording excellent views.  The 
resident Red-tails were hovering, a behavior I seldom see besides another Buteo 
species, Rough-legged Hawks.  Sparrows were scarce compared to the species seen 
along the southern barrier beaches.  Numerous Song and White-throated sparrows 
were seen, with singles of Field, Savannah, Swamp, and an immature 
White-crowned sparrow.  Across from the baseball fields there is an area not 
completley covered with Phragmites, a perfect location for Wilson's snipe.  
Today only three were spotted,
 but in the past I have seen as many as eight!  2 Green-winged Teal, 4 American 
Wigeon, several American Black ducks, and Gadall were dabbling on the Eastern 
Lagoon.  On the LI Sound, American Black ducks, Mallards, 7 
White-winged Scoters, and 1 Common loon were present.  Eastern Phoebes, 
Yellow-rumped warblers, and Palm warblers were abundant by the Dunes.  The best 
bird of the day was when I was driving out of the park heading south on the SM 
parkway getting off my exit to East Northport when I noticed a large black bird 
on the ground along the shoulder.  It had a naked head and was feasting on a 
fresh squirrel roadkill: Turkey Vulture.  It is an uncommon sight especially 
for the middle of Long Island.

After viewing the Turkey Vulture I went to Tung Ting Pond off of Route 25A in 
Centerport.  I spent a half-an-hour trying to relocate the Eurasion Wigeon 
spotted by Brent Bomkamp earlier last week without success.  However, 12 
Green-winged teal,s, 9 American Wigeons, 2 Northern shovelers, 16 Gadwalls, 19 
Black-crowned Night Herons, and a female Bufflehead were present.

Vinny Pellegrino
East Northport, NY
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you've 
-Henry David Thoreau


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2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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